Happy New Year!

It’s painful that I haven’t been able to update the site while in Canada, so please forgive me. Kiko and I have been discussing many changes that we hope to implement in the New Year, so look forward to that and keep on checking back!

In the meantime:


It has been an amazing year with lots of ups and downs. We have made some new friends in Japan, and have been thrilled to see old friends while in Canada. We wish we could have seen more of you!

From finishing my MA, to our move to Japan, and the wedding in between, it really has been a crazy year. Hopefuly we can use this site to keep in touch with all of you, and as a homebase for getting in touch if we ever fall out of it.

Take care, have a great year, and drop us an e-mail or a comment here when you have time!

david & kiko

One thought on “Happy New Year!”

  1. キコちゃん、デビ、 明けましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いします。お互いいい年になるといいですね。 丈太郎でした。

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