White Day … and Shogi!

What the hell is White Day you ask? It is March 14th, one month after Valentines Day! You see, in Japan, on Valentines Day, Japanese girls give chocolate to the boys. Boyfriends, Husbands, Fathers, Male Employees…. everyone! (size depends on who is getting it. Not to mention a term they have for “pity chocolate” which is what they give to people they don’t want to give chocolate to… because they have to… because its Japan.)

Look what Kiko got me for Valentines Day!!!

My present from Kiko for valentines day

At any rate, on White Day the boys are expected to return the favour with candy. Chocolate isn’t the right thing to give on White Day. No… on white day everyone that you got chocolate from has to get a special treat which is usually decided by the Japanese Confectionary Companies. This year it was marshmellow.

Also remember how I was telling you about Shogi???!! In case you don’t, its the Japanese equivalent of Chess only a thousand times better. Anyways I am also going to start playing Chu-shogi (middle shogi). Imagine Shogi, but with a thousand billion more pieces. Here is a game I setup but we didn’t play… because it took to long to setup… because there were too many pieces.

Jim and I's Chu-Shogi setup!

Now go look at the Shogi link, learn how to play, and I will buy you a set!!! (Mike, we are playing next time I see you!!!)

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