
Other than yesterday’s exciting Jet Journal news, here are a few pictures of what we have been up to the past few days.

It has been very hot, and very busy, but our very good friends from California were in Japan, and we got together in Okayama to see them for a few days. Their kids are crazy cute.

One of Kiko’s best friends, Sanae, has some very good news and is up from Tokyo to visit her boyfriends family in Takamatsu. We were really happy to be able to see them (and Kouichi for the first time!)

Finally, a very nice family, the Yamauchis, had Kiko, myself and Greg over for a great BBQ and a magic show. Don’t get me started with the magic show, the kid is amazing. I have some on video and hopefully I will start getting video up on this site.

Anyways, e-mail me and post in the ugly shoutbox already. Don’t say I don’t love you. 

Also, look at the pictures already.

Friends in Japan Picture   Friends in Japan Picture   Friends in Japan Picture   Friends in Japan Picture

Oh yeah… also had a Jamaican cooking class with semi-real Jamaican food and a real Jamaican. It was actually really good. Curry chicken, rice and peas and pepper jelly. nice. I know you’re jealous.

Jamaican cooking picture


5 thoughts on “Recently…”

  1. who was the real jamaican? did you make the pepper jelly? i just made some…now’s who is jealous!!

  2. un! atta yo! it was a long time ago though!!! 土曜日から東京だよ!!電話する!

  3. cher monsieur et madame

    je m’appelle Tomohito Chujo, et je t’ecris de la part de moi et ma femme. merci beaucoup d’avoir nous accepter. Maintenant nous faisons viser nos passeports a la gouvernement francaise.

    Bien sur qu’on travaillerons avec dilligence; Nous sommes en bon sante et avons confience en notre force, mais nous ne pouvons pas bien parler le francais.

    this is all I got. The message got cut off, so this is all I did. If you put up the rest somewhere, I can translate it better. I think this is okay… but I also haven’t really spoken french for quite a while, so it may be a bit not good.

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