Earthquakes & The Embassy



That was a crazy earthquake today. It wasn’t particularly strong where we were, but it was long. About 2 minutes exactly. I was actually sitting in a McDonalds reading my book when it started. Nice and gentle, and then slowly getting stronger. Everything was ok at first, no one seemed to notice or care, but after a minute of it not stopping people started to freak out a little. Man, Tokyo is going to sink one of these days. 

Here is a picture of me at the embassy. Yes. Yes, I am aware that I look like an old man. Many people have pointed it out. I like to think it’s just the business clothes… sigh. I don’t suppose anyone has any advice on how to look cool and still buisnessy at the same time? 


14 thoughts on “Earthquakes & The Embassy”

  1. the best and easiest fashion advice for you to follow is: STOP DRESSING YOURSELF, LET KIKO DO IT =)

    you look like a bust boy with white shirt and black pants. Get pinstripe pants =) THEN you can wear dorky white short sleeve button shirts without looking like a bust boy =)

  2. Hint… Mint is not cool whatso ever!Yellow, Blue and faint pink are nice. and then a mixture of those colours with stipes. Pink and blue can look pretty damn cool if it is a nice shirt. Next time your down we’ll go shopping… it will be our sudo gay day

  3. who wrote #7 damnit??
    fuck.. nice friends i got here 😉

    got it… stay away from white dress shirts (which currently make up all of my dress shirts.) but mike.. the big question is, if my dress shirts aren’t white, what colour should they be?

  4. Hmmm. Dave,Just a thought. Maybe you look like an old man because you ARE an old man. You are married and have a baby on the way…. seems old man-esque to me!!!

  5. Regarding pleats; on guys with average or slender builds, avoiding pleats gives you a classic streamlined look, more youthful and modern. Badly cut pleats can give pants a bulging shape below the belt. Ahem. Maybe I shouldn’t talk about things that bulge below the belt. But hey you asked! Generally, pleats=American flat-front=British.
    And for the same reason, no cuffs on the pant legs, and no navy blue fabric! Too much like those suits your mommy got you for family photos, assuming your mommy did that sort of thing.
    I agree about colored shirts; but if the colors are too wild then you look like you’re trying too hard. Or like a Russian pimp. Shirts are white, cream, deep dark colors, or even black (very cool).

  6. an additional hints..
    White Dress Shirts = Not Cool.. Seriously, get some colour (your skn as well)

  7. And, yes, ahem. I knew I misspelled “embassies.” Yup, sure did. I am professional writter person!

  8. Oh, I not only write book reviews, but I also take pictures of Davids in embasies.

    Personally I thought you looked just fine. As for suits, wait for it to get cooler, then start thinking about it.

    But I do have to ask: what’s wrong with pleats?

  9. Here’s some advice; wearing a suit does not automatically make you “a suit”. If it fits well, the tie is not dorky and you have a cool attitude, it will be more hip than any other fashion. Avoid trying to look cool with extra accessories; they just look like affectations. Think Humphrey Bogart.
    The tie: silk, no cartoons. The suit: wool or cotton/silk blend. The pants: NO pleats, flat in front with no bunching fabric. If in short sleeves: NO TIE (think Homer Simpson). The shoes: no tassels or wingtips or sneakers. If you are ever in Vietnam or Malaysia, you can get a bespoke suit cheap (bespoke = personally measured and fit just for you)
    It’s not a trap, it’s your armor! Wear it with pride!

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