Life in the Canadian Embassy

I know how much you guys like the pretty pictures, so I was hoping to wait until I had some photos to upload before I posted this… but my fans have spoken and I shalt deliver.

Two entries without pictures… in a row! Can you handle it? emoticon

I have also been doing a lot of thinking about what kind of posts I should be making here. Not only is this website a place to see pictures of us, but I have decided to expand a little bit on what goes on in my everyday life (rather than the really terribly spelling ungrammatical inane non-sequitor posts that I usually put up…) .. not a good a start, I know.

At any rate, the embassy is pretty fantastic. (I will post a picture soon!) I am working in the public affairs section of the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo. The building is fantastic (now that I am inside!… see below) and I find myself actually doing something of consequence. I am compiling a report on the Educational Promotion efforts of the 5 other English speaking countries with embassies in Japan. (UK, US, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand.) Basically I get to visit each embassy, learn about what they are doing to promote Japanese students to study in their country, and write a report making suggestions on what Canada can do to improve our own efforts. Cool eh? I thought so.

Other than that, Kiko is sitting at home… (nothing new)… in Tokyo. We are staying at a friends house. It is actually one of our very few couple friends (Japanese guy and a French woman) with a 1 year old son. So I am getting a taste of what my life will be like in 3 months. emoticon Excitement… let me tell you.

On another cool note, my very good friend the one and only Brian Chapman recently had a review published in the Daily Yomiuri, one of Japan’s leading English newspapers. It was none other than the review for the new Harry Potter book. Take a look… it’s super.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6) [Adult Edition]

Read the review here.

9 thoughts on “Life in the Canadian Embassy”

  1. I fianlly finished my review today while working night shift. Now it is in Tom (“Jeopardy Champion”)’s hands.

    If you want, i have digital copies of all my articles.

    Oh, and we did the photo shoot for the redhead book today. Looks like it will be me holding the book cover with my eye and crinkled forehead and my WILD red hair in next Sunday’s paper. Right next to a book review about refugees. Whoo doggie!

  2. And furthermore, thi is my fifth review in the Yomiuri. And I have another one in this Sunday. Boring book on Buddhism. Haven’t finished it and it is technically due tomorrow. I think I am putting it off by posting here.

  3. Oh dear. Even though that review went into print 42,000 times, I would like to preface that I punched that sucker out in under two hours with the books page guy sitting across the office waiting. . . and waiting.

    Mind you, the link to that review will disappear in a month or so.

  4. to ho ho. thats not true. i read your site! your writing is waaay better than mine… 🙁

  5. Kiko brought the idea from Kagawa when she came up. 🙂

    pictures… yeah. even I want pictures… but I would eb careful whos writing you are insulting team china. 😉

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