Surfing in Tanegashima

We just got back from Tanegashima where we celebrated Kiko’s Dads kanreki (60th birthday) and relaxed for a week.

We will be posting a ton of pictures of Tanegashima, our nieces and new baby nephew and Kiko’s family. Should be good! In the meantime, look at me in all my surfing glory. (I am also bruised to shit and my breasts hurt.emoticon) But it was worth it…. (ie: I stood up for maybe 15 seconds.)




That’s me with Hina and Kana, our nieces. They are so cute! emoticon

6 thoughts on “Surfing in Tanegashima”

  1. Wow… Does the cool-ness meter go below 0? Maybe in Japan where things are more extreme.

  2. oh greg… why must you make me say it?
    thats 15 seconds total time (over like 4 or 5 times i was able to stand up!!) 🙁

  3. That’s a beastly long board you have there… over ten feet? 15 seconds is a good ride, at least it would be where I go in Kochi… most of the waves aren’t rideable for that long… props, yo.

  4. Wait… So if you only could stand up for 15 seconds, does that mean that you were out-surfed by Kana or Hina? Or… both Kana AND Hina? If they both could out-surf you, that kind of knocks down the ‘coolness-factor,’ It wouldn’t be much of a rank at all, but… hey, at least you ranked on the cool meter somewhere this time. (O_

  5. Your nieces ARE cute. You… are not so cool. But that’s allright. I’m sorry I didn’t call you before you left. I’ll call you soon though.

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