My Amazing Sweet Potatoes

Coming hot off the heals of the potato party, take a look at my sweet potato excitement. Boo!! That’s right. 3 types, all transported from Kiko’s Island of Tanegashima to here in Kagawa. (I live in Chunan-cho, but you guys know that, right?) emoticon

 Now enjoy the view and look how cool I am picking my sweet potatoes. (and yes… I already know that no one likes to comment on my farming because you are all jealous.)


Sweet Potatoes   Sweet potatoes   Sweet Potatoes

One thought on “My Amazing Sweet Potatoes”

  1. Boy… my potato-farming-centered jealousy is just about overwhelming my ability to submit a comment… but… I’ll… do my best to click the `Say It!` button..

    Nah, great work with the farming!!
    I’ve been granted use of some farmland myself, but haven`t had a chance to start planting things yet. Any recommendations for mid-November crops?? (Are there any?? – *note: I’m a farming newbie) 😀

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