A Kiko Update … by Kiko

よ うやく退院しました!出産はホント大変だったけど、かわいい我が子とのご対面は感激でしたemoticon

私の方は産後の体調もよく、順調に回復し ています。ノア君は最初の2日間ミルクを吐いて体重が減ってしまったので、まだ病院にいます。でも今はミルクを吐くこともなく体重も増えているので、今週 末には退院できそうなので心配しないでね!

みんなにノア君は Davidそっくり!と言 われています。 David は自分に似ている息子の誕生に喜んでます。髪の色は茶色で、目は青とグレイがまざったような色をしていて光の具合によって色が変わるのではっきりと何色と は言えないかな。

I’m finally home! Giving birth was very difficult, but I was very moved when I saw our baby emoticon

I am doing fine and am recovering well. Noa was throwing up a little milk and losing weight, so he had to stay in the hospital a little longer. For 2 days. He is very healthy now and is gaining weight so he will be home this weekend, so please don’t worry.

Everyone says that Noa looks like David! David is very happy that he has a son that looks like him. His hair is brown, and his eyes are blue and grey and change color in light so we are not sure what color they will be.

We will post more pictures soon! Thank you for all of your e-mail and nice comments.

Kiko emoticon

4 thoughts on “A Kiko Update … by Kiko”

  1. Did you get to hit dave/ insult dave during the pregnancy? It’s a common western tradition. If you weren’t given the oppertunity, please take advantage now. Whip dave into shape, he should be on hands and knees doing your bidding!

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