My Birthday Excitement & Soccer Death

The Kiko Report:

 T minus -2 and counting. No baby. A very big and heavy Kiko (who seems to want the baby on the outside.) Stay tuned. emoticon

  • The Good News

My birthday!! emoticon Remember? November 9th… 26 years old… right!? (most people thought I was 25 this year for some reason. Anyways, Kiko and I celebrated together. We found a nice Itallian place in Utazu (a nearby city!) and went out. We also had cake. Kiko gave me a super wallet, and I also got some clothes and a Shogi set from my friends. Here, look at the pictures.


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Look!! See?? That is a card I got from Goggy and pictures of my birthday cake. It has soccer balls on it… get it?  … note how it also ties in to my next subject:

  • The Bad News aka. Soccer Death

Now this may be a little bit hard to grasp…. but… I injured my hand playing soccer. It isn’t broken but it’s really swollen and quite painful. I also got a ball to the face which left swelling and a bruise…exciting? Here’s the background:


See that guy to my right, your left? Mark. He’s from England. Really nice guy and top-notch footballer. He also has a super hard shot. That hit me. From 2 feet away. When a volley would have sufficed. I thought I was going to die. Fortunately I did not.

This is a team picture we took last weekend. We played the Tadotsu Town Office team (again!). Instead of a 2-2 tie, we beat them 4-0 (or that was the score when I went to the hospital.) Nice.

Here is some photos of my pain. Empathize. 


soccer-death-1.jpg  soccer-death-2.jpg

 See that swelling??? I know you do. emoticon

More soccer pictures here.

That is all. 


2 thoughts on “My Birthday Excitement & Soccer Death”

  1. Get well soon =) You’ll scare the baby with those bandages or worse, the baby might feel inclined to call *you* ‘mummy’! Feel Better Soon!

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