Still at the hospital

So here’s what I am going to do. Some of you want more Noa pictures. (Ok, I’m lying… anyone that has bothered to contact me wants more Noa pictures…) (Thanks!! emoticon)

So, I am going to setup a gallery/page for Noa only pictures. It will be updated regularily (because that’s what new parents do… take pictures of their babies!) so you can see how he is doing. If you don’t want the clutter, the main page will still be about us (including Noa stuff) but not only Noa.

This way you get lots of Noa pictures (if you want) and you can still come to read about Kiko, Noa, and I. (which is why you are here… right?)

Until Noa and Kiko I will be posting new pictures of Noa and Kiko here!

Shh… don’t tell anyone… but expect video soon.

noa12.jpg noa13.jpg

Why is his face so red? He enjoys pinching and scratching his eyes and cheeks. He also enjoys sleeping with his hands in his ears. He is a special boy.


3 thoughts on “Still at the hospital”

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! We heard the announement on the Chunan “town speaker” that morning, but could not get to a computer until now.
    Baby Awesome is beautiful!!!!

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