Noa is open for business.

It’s official. Noa is open for business.

I was going to rant about how ridiculously busy I am. Busy enough not to be able to finish davidandkiko 4.0, to not start a huge translation due this week, to not write christmas cards (but I did make a nice looking christmas card!), so instead I will give you a short update.

We are off to Tanegashima this Saturday! For the first year in a very long time we will not be spending christmas in Canada, but rather Christmas and New Years on Kiko’s island. I will be updating the website, but I don’t think I will be able to do any big updates.

Recently Noa has had some visitors. Our good friends Ayano-san and Jim have been here to visit (and help bathe!) Noa. Here are some pictures… he’s getting bigger. 

ayanosanandnoa-1.jpg  ayanosanandnoa-2.jpg

and Jim… (who helped us film Noa’s bath. Which was exciting….)

noaandjim-1.jpg (noa likes jim.)

4 thoughts on “Noa is open for business.”

  1. Why not set up you site to accept pictures of you during christmas and newyears over your cell phone? As well, not that i’m great using grammar…. But it should be “Our good friends” instead of “Are good friends”


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