The business that is my life

So everyone says you get really busy when you have a baby… they weren’t joking. Funny thing is, its not just the baby. It seems like a billion things are all happening at once.

  1. A baby. Lots of crying. Lots of staying awake. Lots of throwing up. (its gross.)
  2. JET Program PR Video

This is a little bit more interesting. I have been selected as one of 6 people to be in the JET program introduction video. This video will be sent around Japan and around the world to show people what the JET program is about and to encourage new recruits.

Basically this means that I have a video crew of about 7 people following me wherever I go. Here in Chunan 7 people is more than I get for most of my classes/activities/events. It makes for some exciting times…. When the video is done I will try and get some clips up.

It also doesn’t help that my house is like 5 degrees. emoticonMy computer room doesn’t have a heater so that plays a big role in me not updating the website. I have a ton of pictures/videos (mostly Noa related) to put up… hopefuly I will get it up soon. davidandkiko 4.0 is also being redone after a few problems appeared in the picture album… but it should be good.

Ok, here are some new pictures. I will get off my ass and get some more albums/photos and some videos up soon! We will be ordering our new camera soon, so expect even better pictures in the next few weeks.

Here are some pictures of Noa and I, and Noa and Kiko’s Mom.

noa3weeks-1.jpg  noa3weeks-2.jpg emoticon

3 thoughts on “The business that is my life”

  1. LOve Noa.
    He is so cute.
    Thanks for all the updated information.

    Love to you all.

    Brad and Judy

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