My First Bread

My first bread.



We came back from Canada about one week ago.
David had a Christmas surprise present waiting for me when
we got home! It was a bread maker that I have wanted for a long time!

This is the first loaf of bread I have ever made, and it came out very nice.

I want to make many different breads from now on!

What’s happening with Mii?

Its Mii!

Small but important note: Check out SKYPE. If you have a microphone on your computer you can use it to speak with other people on Skype for free. It is quite different from MSN and works more like a personal phone service. It is super. You can also make really cheap call sout to phone lines. Read to the bottom to find out why I’m pushing this!

I finally understand what’s happening! People don’t care about the text… they only care about the pictures…!

What’chu talking about?

OK, here is what I have noticed. If I post once every week or so, and include a neat picture or some sort of graphic I found on the web: it’s all good. However, if I post fairly regularily only using text and no pretty pictures, I get an angry e-mail from our 2 (maybe 3?) regular visitors.

This leads me to believe that it’s all about the pictures.

Its Mii 2!

Aren’t they cute? There name is Mii. Or one of them is Mii… I don’t really know. But suffice it to say it makes my title for this entry very clever. I gave a medium sized one to my sister Tracy for Christmas. They are super cool tiny-bean pillows. They are super, soft, smooth and addicting. I have seen a few of them pop up in Canada, but these, by far, are the cutest. Kiko really wants to get one for herself.

Now that I have your attention:

What the hell is happening with the site?

Kiko and I are both really involved with the site, and both really want to keep it updated regularily, and more importantly, have you guys visit regularily. Unfortunately, Kiko broke my computer. (hahahah… I am only sort of joking.) So when I get my computer fixed, expect the following:

New and Improved entries such as:

– Kiko’s New Bread Machine and First Bread Pictures
– Pictures from Canada – family, friends, Christmas –
– Pictures from our new house!

That’s right! We are moving. It will be to a super-fabulous place that unfortunately has a shitty ass Internet connection. There is a large possibility that our 416 phone will be out of commission but we will keep you in the know.

Also expect to see the long-promised 3.0 which will be rolled out before I move.

– New and pretty colours.
– More neat stuff and animation.
– More organized menus and pictures.
– Other cool stuff which I haven’t thought of yet.
– A where is Kiko game… (when I become less lazy.)
– Actually, Elizabeth, please program a whereiskiko game with her picture dancing around. Please & thank you.

OK… that’s it for now. My computer is almost fixed so when I get photoshop back on, expect to see a ton of pictures.

David & Kiko: out. (that’s my new cool sig.)

Our Computer Blew Up…

So… after 25hours in transit I walk through my door, turn on my computer and it blows up. Everything is gone! all my pictures, music, movies, e-mail, website stuff.

We are back in Japan, we are safe, but it will take a few days longer than I expected to update the website. I have to rebuild my computer first. 🙁

We are both back to work tomorrow, so wish us luck! Expect an update soon!! Lots of pictures and stuff…. (Kiko has also promised to write more entries herself!)

It was great to see everyone back in Canada, and I’m sorry we didn’t have more time to meet up with everyone.

Love, David & Kiko.

Happy New Year!

It’s painful that I haven’t been able to update the site while in Canada, so please forgive me. Kiko and I have been discussing many changes that we hope to implement in the New Year, so look forward to that and keep on checking back!

In the meantime:


It has been an amazing year with lots of ups and downs. We have made some new friends in Japan, and have been thrilled to see old friends while in Canada. We wish we could have seen more of you!

From finishing my MA, to our move to Japan, and the wedding in between, it really has been a crazy year. Hopefuly we can use this site to keep in touch with all of you, and as a homebase for getting in touch if we ever fall out of it.

Take care, have a great year, and drop us an e-mail or a comment here when you have time!

david & kiko