Our New Years in Tanegashima

How exactly was our New Years in Tanegashima?
We figured your might be interested so I put up a few pictures to show you how it all went. Being from a more rural island, Kiko’s family was very into tradition, so we did a number of things from making rice cakes, to planting pine trees at the entrance of doorways, to visiting a shrine (or temple… or something). Noa has grown quite a bit in the 3 weeks since we have been here and has put on a lot of weight. He is getting stronger and is becoming quite expressive.

We hope you enjoy the pictures!

New Years in Tanegashima

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We also thought you might like my brilliant photography. If you have any complaints, its the camera’s fault. seriously. im perfect.

Noa : Up close and personal

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One thought on “Our New Years in Tanegashima”

  1. I still can’t believe you’re a father Dave. You guys look so happy!!! Kiko is SOoo pretty and Noa, as always, is Baby Awesome. =) Give him kisses for me!

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