On our way to Canada…

Using the magic of my computer I have somehow managed to get this post to publish itself while we are in transit from Chunan to Canada. That’s right… I am writing this the night before we leave and it is going to magically appear on Tuesday night while we are in transit!

Am I worried about someone going to our house in Chunan to rob us? No. Someone asked me about that (with all of the details I leave on this website, they were a little concerned), but the fact of the matter is a) we have no stuff, b) i have a remote video monitoring system I made that films the house when something moves and .. umm.. shoots poision, c) and our good friend will be checking in on the house very regualrily. See… I’ve thought of everything! emoticon

At any rate… we are currently on route to Canada. It is going to be quite a long flight (through Chicago) and we are a little worried about Noa. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and we will report when we arrive.

In the meantime, here are a few pictures we took before we left.


Noa just sitting back, relaxing … (in his dog suit.)


This is his rockstar coat.

And finally… enjoy as Noa attempts to find the hidden supply of milk I have hidden in my breast.


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