Back to Japan

To think that a month has passed! Crazy. I can’t believe that it is alreday time to head back to Japan. Noa has gotten bigger, decided that he only wants to sleep when his Mom rocks him to sleep, we saw a few good friends, spent a lot of time with family and had a great time.

 To the good friends that we didn’t see, or the ones we didn’t see enough of, SORRY! emoticon I would like to blame Noa (it is afterall his fault) but apparently everything is my fault.

I was also super surprised at the amount of things I didn’t get done. I didn’t read any books. I didn’t redo the website. I didn’t see nearly half the people I wanted too… what did we do? We introduced Noa to his Canadian family and I renewed my passport…

At any rate, here are a few more pictures of the good times in Canada. The rest will come once I get back to Japan where my usb cable is waiting…

Wish us luck… its going to be a crazy flight.

 Noa and Goggy hanging out. (Goggy is Noa’s great great grandmother (曾曾お婆さん) … that’s 5 generations folks.

canada-goggy1.jpg  canada-goggy2.jpg

Next we have Noa’s favourite person, Tracy. (Note the connection between his favourite person and who is feeding him?) 


Introducing Baby Awesome (Thank Scotty and Stacey for the clothes, Brian for the name!)


Noa just hanging out reading his books…

canada-babybook.jpg  canada-babybook2.jpg

and finally Noa and partaking in his favourite activity…. stripping.


See you when we are settled back in Japan!


David & Kiko emoticon 

One thought on “Back to Japan”

  1. Great to hear that you all had a wonderful time in Canada. Wow… It`s also really cool that Noa had a chance to meet his great-great-grandmother.

    Best of luck, and safe travels on your way back to Japan. Take care.

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