Noa: An April Update

People have been complaining for more pictures. Kiko has been harassing me to put her pictures up. People think that we only put up the best looking pictures of Noa (and that he is not as 100% adorable as we make him out to be.) Someone… SOMEONE (i will name no names) accused Noa of having a unibrow…

so without any further delay… here are some pictures of Noa from the month of April! enjoy. emoticon


2006-apr-noa1.jpg 2006-apr-noa2.jpg 2006-apr-noa3.jpg 2006-apr-noa4.jpg 2006-apr-noa5.jpg 2006-apr-noa6.jpg


5 thoughts on “Noa: An April Update”

  1. but jim… hes right. im training noa to do (the above) as we speak.
    and be a ninja.
    and a shinobi.

  2. Noa would just use his Telekinetic powers to bend the bars open to what ever width he wanted… that or his Teddy bear would stand up and start walking around and talking with the other toys before they all attacked him and he was forced to blow them up with his mind…..TETSUO!!!!!

  3. Unibrow? I don’t see it.

    The crib, on the other hand, scares me. I’m researching cribs for my forthcoming daughter, and Noa’s crib does NOT meet safety standards. Look at the space between those bars! Please be careful David.

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