A bit short on pictures…

I am a bit short on pictures because Noa and Kiko are still in Canada. 🙁

It’s quite sad actually… but do you know what is keeping me going while they are gone?
Super exciting World Cup excitement. For an entire month people that usually have no interest in soccer get together to watch some soccer! There always seems to be an increase in the amount of games me and my lazy ass friends play, and it is a great opportunity to get together with friends that you hardly ever see and watch a game.

I seriously am in love with the World Cup. I am also in love with the thumping Ghana gave the Czechs, in love with the winning goal I scored in the Mitoyo-shi Mini World Cup (don’t even get me started on that… it was a fabulous goal, and perhaps my first goal of the year), and in love with the excitement of different matches everyday on TV.

(Umm… ok… about my fabulous goal, it was actually a fairly average goal due to a large mistake on the other teams part, and came after 2 very badly missed headers on extremely nice crosses. I hit one cross with the very top of my head, and the other with the very top of my nose. Both were fabulous (and by fabulous I mean ridiculous). But I am pretty sure my goal makes me the best player in Kagawa, so there.)

I am also very excited because tonight (tomorrow morning, whatever…) Japan will completely destroy Croatia in preperation for completely destroying Brazil in their final match. It should be very exciting… (and no more of this retarded conceding 3 goals in 10 minutes crap.)

Do you want to know what else I am excited about? Skype. My user name is davidbennett1979. I think you should add me. It allows me to have very clear and free conversations with my friends and family, and while Noa and Kiko are in Canada, allows Noa to not forget who I am! It really is super exciting. 😮

have a look!

Skype Skype 2

One thought on “A bit short on pictures…”

  1. Dave those pictures are absolutely adorable. In the key of Napolean Dynamite “Ohhh I love technology”

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