Noa close-ups #6

Since we are in Osaka visiting some friends and Kiko’s family, I have had to resort to another round of Noa close-up pictures taken by yours truly. (or possibly kiko…) (or possibly someone with more skill than both of us.)

… we know you love it.

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See how super he is?

Now for some more unsettling news…

has it happened? has noa caught the ghey? Decide for yourselves…


That’s a pretty queer looking picture if you ask me.

and finally some more exciting news…. despite some of you not giving Noa full credit for his amazing crawling skills, this picture should proof without a doubt that he is a “holding something and standing wizard”… be prepared to be amazed.



4 thoughts on “Noa close-ups #6”

  1. With a smile like that and having it look like he has bent over something… Noa might just have caught the ghey!

  2. yes yes yes. i know it should be “prove” and not “proof”. It was intentional because i am cool.

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