Friends from Japan

Sorry about the delay in posting…
oh wait. I update the site like 10 times a week. are you guys crazy!?!?! just can’t get enough of us? that’s what I thought.

In case you didn’t remember, I forgot my flash card reader, so I have no way of getting my pictures off my camera until I am somewhere with a reader. Hence the delay between posting and between events and pictures (look for a great visit from some good friends in a few days!)

In the meantime, Kiko, Noa and I were really lucky to have some good friends from Kagawa come to Canada to visit. Ishikawa-sensei (my supervisor) and his family came to Toronto to visit. We got some Toronto, Niagara and Ottawa action in. The tri-fecta of tourism. A big thanks to Tray, Thomas, Chris, Franz and Shane for all your help.
Speaking of Shane… here is a picture.


(Just so you know, and I’m not making this up, the previous picture in the series shows Noa poking his own eye out.)

Here are some pictures from Ishikawa-sensei’s family trip to Canada.


We took them to Asian Legend (the best Chinese food in Toronto!) with Thomas, Tracy, and Shane, as well as a trip to Brampton to see Mom and the dogs.

As I mentioned, we got most of the major tourism points down. Some Ottawa,

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some Toronto, some Niagara, and a whole bunch of excitement at Tracy’s in Hamilton.

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Thank you everyone for your help, and a big thanks to the Ishikawa family for coming all the way to Canada!


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