Let’s Discuss Books #1

Some of you may have noticed my nifty little book reading thingy on the side. It shows what I have been reading recently, what I want to read, and what I have read (recommendations.)

I haven’t been updating it as much as I want to, so I will take this time to show off a few books that I have really enjoyed recently.


Scott Pilgrim

Now… I don’t read a lot any comics or manga. I kept hearing all these great things about this book (Chris & Franz!) and it lived up to everything I heard about it. I won’t bother explaining it. go get it. read it. It’s cheap and a quick read. You won’t regret it. A lot of fun! I believe it has been optioned as a movie with the director of Shaun of The Dead attached to it, so expect big things!

Go get it here.


The Fourth Bear

disclaimer… I haven’t actually read this book yet. That being said, I have enjoyed all of Jasper Fforde‘s stuff, so I am very much looking forward to reading this (looking at you Chris!)

Go get it here.

That is all for now!

2 thoughts on “Let’s Discuss Books #1”

  1. Hehehe 🙂 Funny actually, I know him fairly well. he was roommate with one of my good friends! 🙂 How goes stevey?

  2. Dave, you know I sort of met the creator of Scott Pilgrim in the summer in the T dot? There was some signing thing a couple of friends took me to, and yeah, that put me about 5 feet away from the dude…

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