Noa has been cut off!

That’s right…

Noa has now officially been weened off of the ever exciting breast milk and is now finally getting to sleep by himself.

It was a rough beginning. After two days of hour long crying sessions the third night went something like this:

  1. We lay Noa down (5 seconds)
  2. He got up
  3. Walks around (10 seconds)
  4. Sits down and cries (long time)
  5. Cries (long time)
  6. Gets up
  7. Repeat

and then out of nowhere he gets up and drapes himself over Kiko … and goes to sleep. In a second. LITERALLY 1 SECOND. I thought he was just playing … but no. asleep.



We were operating under the assumption that he tired himself out so much crying that he just crashed.


7 thoughts on “Noa has been cut off!”

  1. “Breast feeding is a good source of vitality for kids, thats why i breast fed you till you were 10 years old adn started really biting…” Thats what my mum said anyway.

  2. Maybe if you tried to breast feed Noa, he would be put into such a state of shock, that the idea
    of breast feeding would no longer appeal to him????

  3. thanks for that image dan 😉 i will get to work on translating chest pillows for kiko 😉

  4. Dave, I think you would react the same way of you were cut off from Kiko’s chest pillows, no?

  5. It was pretty exciting to watch actually. he would settle down for about 2 seconds and walk round for 10. repeat for an hour. sad, but what can you do?

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