Noa is a movie star! (TV Star?)

Hey everyone! (See the bottom of this post for the big info!)
I am having a really good day.

It didn’t get rated so high, but I thought it was really quite good! Go watch it.

I also received my new computer in the mail! It is going to help a lot with work, and it is super cool.

I don’t know what the US model # is, but it is some sort of Lifebook. It is fantastic. I don’t to sound like more of a loser than I already am, but for $1400 it came with the unit, longer battery, free dvd writer add on, the packaging was fantastic, it is small, it works greater… 100% satisfied! Good call Tray!

and now the big news…

Noa was on TV the other day! It is his first TV appearance ever. He was on a show called Sekai Gyouten News (I should probably look up what Gyouten meansupdate: apparently it means “surprising” “amazing” “disturbing”) suffice it to say, Noa had some sort of eye cancer and they put him in a few scenes with some Russian parents. He was crying in one scene, but Kiko was overlooking and apparently they shot it when he was already cranky. The rest of the time he seems to be enjoying himself.

Suffice it to say, it was pretty crazy seeing your own baby on TV! I have cut out the boring parts and put together a little video.

Have a look!

6 thoughts on “Noa is a movie star! (TV Star?)”

  1. Why would you do that to Noa?
    What did he ever do to you? Giving him the glass eye was not very nice!

    Wow – weird t.v. appearance! I hope Noa made lots of money doing that! He was clearly the star!

  2. Now I know why we won the Cold War. Those Russians were rough with your kid.

    And the way Noa cried and writhed…so realistic. What a tremendous actor! I think the subtitle to the Sekai Gyouten News clip should be, “A Star is Born!”

  3. omg…he looks like a borg baby….i love how he thrashes around when they try to touch him!

  4. That was bizarro! i’m guessing the ending was a flash back? cause that kid at the end looked nothing like noa!

  5. i think he is done with his tv appearances. I think kiko wants it for memento. i want him to pay for his own food.

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