Updating … from China

So I am in Dalian, one of China’s “resort” cities and also one of it’s special economic zones.

No one told me that I wouldn’t be able to access Twitter or have of my favourite podcasts and websites.

Kiko has been able to get me through pictures of the kids which apparently weren’t censored.

So… here you go

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That is Hana’s self proclaimed “cute” pose by the way.

And look Noa is smart too. He is playing Shogi/japanese chess. Better than Jim.


2 thoughts on “Updating … from China”

  1. My shogi skillz are on the decline since i havent played in 3 years.

    MAYBE you could give me a good game… NOA. God knows ur father never could.

  2. of course those photos got through. very clever of kiko to have noa appear to be eating with chopsticks!!

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