Parenting School – 両親学級

David and I went to parenting school last weekend. David doesn’t know much about Japanese parenting, so I think it was good study for him. Now I will soon be 8 months and my stomach is very heavy. David had to wear a suit and see how hard it is for me and my stomach. emoticon

  先週末、初めて両親学級なるものに行ってきました!Davidにとっては初めての事ばかりで「ほほ~」なんて感心したり納得したり・・・いい勉強になりま した。妊婦体験スーツを着て床に落ちている物を拾ったり寝転がったりして、8ヶ月の大きいお腹がいかに大変かを実感したようです。

Davids suit   Davids suit   Davids suit   Davids suit

(edited by David) Here is another one for good measure!

ps. Why the hell did they have to add breasts to the suit? I feel and look and am retarded.

Davids suit


10 thoughts on “Parenting School – 両親学級”

  1. Kiko looks wonderful. She looks all mommy-ish, it’s great. David looks retarded, but that’s great in its way too. I’m so happy for you guys. 🙂

  2. Now… How long did they have you wear the suit for?? I trust that if I can show up for the Chunan Sports Festival, there’s not going to be a “big” ‘Pregnant David’ running around doing Yasakoi dances??
    If so.. well.. hmm…
    Well.. I guess it’d be pretty entertaining. Wait.. Even just seeing the ‘non-pregnant David’ dancing would be pretty rare..

    Kiko: Congratulations on 8 months already!! I’m so excited for the new Bennett family!! If you guys need any help with any preparations, ie: building the new baby’s bed, painting the room, etc… Feel free to count me in. Take care. 😀 (OuO)/ wowow~~!!

  3. look at her tummy!!! its huge!!!

    That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

    that being said, note I said huge/big but but not fat 😉 its a little baby afterall

  4. Making reference to your wife on a website read by friends as “big” problem won’t win you many points with said wife.

  5. デビちゃん最高 笑いが止まらない私です 妊婦さんになった気分は?

  6. um.. i guess. 😉 i had breasts and a stomach and felt ridiculous though… 🙂
    kiko was happy. 🙂

  7. Confirmed.. you are a retard, but a retard in the name of love and fatherhood. I think i’m getting weepy eyed!

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