Happy New Year … & stuff…

Ug…. this is coming a little bit later than I hoped but,

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! emoticon 明けましておめでとうございます!

I am going to try not to cry as this is the second time I am writing this (stupid browser crash!), but suffice it to say we want to wish everyone a very very happy new year. Things have been quite hectic here as we are getting ready to leave Kiko’s island (we are going back to Kagawa today!!) and Noa has been keeping us quite busy. We are both looking forward to going back to Kagawa, but Kiko is going to miss her family and the help that have been giving to Noa. We aren’t very excited about the 20cm of snow and 6 degree house waiting for us there either…

Other than that, things are quite good! Noa is doing well (I’ll send pictures!) and we have been very busy preparing the new website. I know I have been saying this for the better part of 6 months, but the website is almost done! People have seen it and I think it looks quite good. In the next few days it should be up and should make it easier to update, a lot more interactive and fun for you guys, and be chalk full of photo galleries chronicling our lives over the past 2 years (with regular photo gallery updates!). So look forward to that!

A little bit of upsetting news however… we spent about 1 billion hours making Christmas cards and 年賀状 (nengajou) for pretty much everyone we know. Apparently only about 20% have arrived…! I am hoping that this is on account of the holiday season and the fact that we sent them fro Kiko’s island in the middle of the Pacific (I made that up.. I don’t know what Ocean we are in!) but expect them soon. In the meantime here is the christmas card you will be receiving, with a special note written in chicken scratches by me on the back. Enjoy!

That’s about it for now. Expect a whole lot of excitement/pictures/changes in the next few weeks here at davidandkiko.com. We also look forward to an exciting 2006 with lots of changes for the website, us (job/where we live), and of course for Noa, who is on track to be a strapping handsome young boy (which is no surprise considering who his pappy is.)

We really appreciate everyone who keeps visiting the site and look forward to chatting with you through the comments and the chat box, etc.

In the meantime, go get skype. get it now. best thing ever. ask mike.
David & Kiko & Noa

3 thoughts on “Happy New Year … & stuff…”

  1. Skypeはただだよ!マイクがない使えないけどね!! ;)
    亨ちゃん、年賀状届いた?? 🙂

  2. あけおめ♪

    I Like Milk.

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