
I just wanted to send out my congratulations to Ikuko Komuro-Lee-senesi, a Japanese Language instructor at the University of Toronto. I was fortunate enough to have many amazing Professors throughout both my BA and MA, and Komuro-sensei is certainly among the best of them. I can’t tell you how much she has meant to my life both academically and personally.

This week Komuro-sensei was finally given the recognition that she deserves and was awarded the University of Toronto’s Outstanding Teachers award. This is a very prestigious honour and one that Komuro-sensei is very deserving of.

I have never met a Professor who puts as much in to her students at Komuro-sensei does. She gives her students everything she has, and expects an equal amount of effort in return. I would not be where I am today without her, and I owe much of my success to her discipline, her instruction, her advice and her support.

Komuro-sensei: Congratulations. You deserve it. I wish I could have been there to celebrate with you. (Thank you to Natalie for the pictures!)

Komuro-senseis outstanding teacher award

That being said, the following picture is for forgetting my middle name (again!) and for asking if I needed a fork. 😉


Congratulations. I am beyond happy for you.

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