Vaccinations in Japan

Well, it’s a little late, but this is a pretty important post.

Noa had his first in a series of shots to vaccinate him from the various diseases. I wish I could be a little more specific, but since everything is written in Kanji I can only make a guess at the BCG and Japanese influenza shots.

Now, i don’t know if you have ever met any real live Japanese people, but if you have you may have seen some funny little bumps on their arms. Two square boxes on their shoulder with a series of 10 circles in each box. When I was a high school student on exchange here in Japan I thought it was weird that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY FRIENDS has markings from those shots still visible on their arms.

As of today Noa has officially joined their ranks. Although he showed a little bit of discomfort, he was quite strong and didn’t freak out. The doctor warned us that most babies spazz out but Noa gave the doctor a big smile and only cried a little after receiving the vaccination. Everyone thought it was weird when I took pictures, but here goes:


We also had another very interesting develoment today. Noa decide that he enjoys sneezing. Yeah… what’s up with that? No idea. But Noa absolutely spazzes if you pretend to sneeze at him. He thinks its great and gives a full-out laugh. It is actually pretty cute so I caught it on video. Have a look!


That is all. emoticon

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