We just heard some great news from Tracy! (Thanks Tracy!)
Noa is now officially Canadian. Yeah! The same day we found this out, a very surprising package arrived in the mail from China. Thank you Elizabeth!! As you can see, it fit well with the good citizenship news!
Seriously, Liz, everyone, thank you so much for all of your gifts. They mean so much to both of us (and possibly Noa)
and finally… since you all want to marvel at how good looking Noa is…
(look at those boobies)
Id call it “Manly squish” The girls love it.
and what else would you call them? 😉
boobies?! freak (dave not noa)…
hahahah… its funny because its true.
Noa looks super handsome in the outfit! =) Me Happy!
If your child’s education doesn’t go well, he’ll definately have oppertunity in the realm of Street Fighter ***cough*** E.Honda *** cough *** DISS ADORABLE