Our time in Canada … so far

After our relaxing vacation in Korea, we have spent the last few days readjusting to Canadian life.

We have been fortunate enough to see a few good friends (with many left still to see!) and spend a lot of time with our family. Noa is having a great time. We are taking him to a swim class and local activities run by the city. He is also enjoying the time he gets to spend with his Aunt, his Uncles and his gradma.

Kiko and I are doing well. Busy with Noa, and I am neglecting our work. We are still looking for a place to live in Tokyo, so keep an eye out for that!

In the meantime, here are a few photos from the trip so far…


What’s that?? What? Excuse me? Do I recall someone doubting Noa’s standing and crawling abilities?? Is that Noa standing??? I think so… bruck! (bruck?)

After Noa exercising his independence through standing, we decide to knock him back down with some super frightening bubbles from Kiko’s vicious bubble gun.


We then follow that up with forcing him through a long red tunnel (which he actually enjoyed more than we hoped expected.)


We are good parents are our baby is cute.

That is all. (don’t hate us because we are beautiful.)

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