My good friend Hide (Hideki Matsui of the Yankees)

松井 秀喜! In Toronto! Hanging out with me!

So… I was with Tracy and Thomas sitting in Pho Hung eating some pho (Ok, I lied. I was eating the vermecelli) when my good friend Hide walked in.

You might not know who Hide is (only his close friends (like me) call him that), but his full name is Hideki Matsui (aka Godzilla). He is (by far!) the most famous Japanese baseball player and his more popular in Japan than even Ichiro.

We had a conversation:

Matsui: Hey Dave!

Me: Hey Hide. What’s up?

Matsui: Not much. You are cool. And your kid is cute. And your wife is hot.

Me: Yeah… I know.

And then he whipped out his camera and took a picture of us hanging out.


Hmm… funny…. that picture looks like someone snapped a photo from underneath the table while trying not to pee himself.

Ok… so me and Hide aren’t that close. But that doesn’t change the fact that we hungout (by proximity), at Pho Hung, I did almost pee myself, and we are best friends friends acquaintances strangers stalker/stalkee.

I did work up the courage to ask for an autograph though. We had a polite little conversation (in Japanese b/c I am cool), but it was clear that he was trying to not be recognized.

Look at the swell autograph.

Hideki Matsui - New York Yankees #55.jpg

Thanks to my big sister Tracy for saving my life by having her cellphone w/camera handy. I had forgot my camera and was prepared to be very sad.

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