Wii love you [chris]

I only do this because I love ya. 😮 (consider it motivation to go get one so we can play multiplayer games… when they come out… not that you haven’t been trying! It’s almost impossible to get one in Japan too if it makes you feel any better…)


Oh god… it’s a wall of Wii goodness. Why do I have 2 Wii’s, 3 controllers and a whole bunch of other stuff (note the two games not available in the US. Wario Dance or whatever its called and Wii Play [comes with the controller])…? It’s a long story.


Not really. It begins like this:



After Noa broke Kiko’s nose, I didn’t go to my soccer tournament in Awaji (with my good friend Jim! Sorry Jim!). My other good friend Brian offered to come with me to get a Wii. I did a lot of research and I figured our best bet was this store above. See how close I am to the front? (I’m poking my head out the top!) #8 in line! Woohoo!

It wasn’t so woohoo after I realized I had misread the kanji and it actually said lottery instead of priority. … so about 5 minutes before the lottery started (and 4 hours after I got there) a whole rush of people came, got a ticket and apparently won their wii’s, because I certainly didn’t. boooooooooo-urns. (to paraphrase mikey)

Was that the end of it? No. I decided to go Yahoo Auctioning … (its like E-bay but for Japan.) Ended up winning like a billion auctions (I went a little bit spastic.) Re-sold some of them, and Brian (who didn’t get a Wii in the lottery either) bought the other one. So in fact, I only have 1 Wii, but after all the auction excitement (=profits), it ended up costing about $50 less then retail. WoohoO!

Here is a Samba de Amigo (best game ever!) Dreamcast Maraccas controller for good measure.


16 thoughts on “Wii love you [chris]”

  1. if you were all watching Ze Frank instead of playing with Zelda…you would see just how dangerous Wii can be…

  2. People camped out in -16 degree weather last night to get a Wii… I got htere friggen early and missed a chance to get a ticket by like 4 hours… I officially give up… I’m off the Wii train… BOOOOOO!

  3. I’m up to 42 hours of Zelda and still more to go. make sure you have time to play it. Super Monkey Ball is okay, mini games are the selling point there. I’m picking up Madden in a week. I’ve heard great things about rayman as well.

  4. hmm. i heard rayman is good but not essential. Apparently Zelda is amazing (but long and really in depth.) A game called “elebits” is supposed to be amazing. great party game. not sure if its out yet. The “wario” game is a party/mini game thing and its really really good… stay away from red steel and excite truck etc. 🙂 mike, any opinions? ill post my wii friend code in tonight then when you can get one, send it over!

  5. OK so maybe tomorow will be my day, and I will luck into one of these Wii’s… the question then becomes what games do I need??? people I need help here, I here rayman is essential, and of course zelda, any thing else??

  6. Elebits rocks, perfect fit for the Wii (Kiko will like) Classic controllers are a waste, get a wavebird if it’s cheaper or even a gamecube controller. THey are not wireless, but you probably have a small living room!

  7. if you told me about 1 minute earlier i just had an extra one that i auctioned off 🙁 sorry man.
    how are the classic controllers? havent opened them yet, but they look crappy. i have been debating getting a wavebird 😉

    apparently i should be getting elebits as its really good… any word?

  8. I’m good now, 4 wii-motes, 4 nunchucks. Makes Wii-play an odd purchase next year.. i want the game, but not the additional controller. I guess it’s ebay for me.

  9. hehe brian, im bringing it with me today! mike: neat, ill get it up tonight and send you some wii loving.

    dont know what your talking about. there are a ace load of nunchuks over here… want me to send some? (that should be ass btw)

  10. Sweet, one of those is mine! My first game system since Super Nintendo, when I saved up $200 on my allowance and lawn mowing money. So long books and thinking a lot!

  11. You just made my day!!! Zelda kicks lots of ace. Wii Sports and Wii Play are excellent additions for parties or groups at your house. They are both basic enough that everyone can play and fun enough to keep you playing. Nunchucks are going to be very hard to come by. So if you see them, buy them.

    I sent you an email from my Wii to you hotmail account. Respond!

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