Recently Noa … in Video (aka. Noa vs. Tickle Me Elmo Round #2)

… with a special appearance by me.

…. directed by Kiko.

So! Noa loves elephants. In Japan apaprently elephants go “Paaaaaauuu” so that’s what Noa screams whenever he sees an elephant. Our good friend, Nakanishi-san, bought Noa a nice big elephant stuff toy. Watch as Noa opens it up!

希空くんのビデオ (象さん)

The next weekend we took a trip to Toys R Us. There, Noa shows his gift for singing (clearly better than Jim) while playing the piano. Heres a picture:


And here’s the video…

希空くんのビデオ (ピアノ #2)

and finally

NOA VS. Tickle Me Elmo X : Round 2

So, our very dear friends Mike and Lara bought Noa a ticklet me Elmo before Christmas last year. (Thank you!!!) You should have seen the shuddering and terror it brought to Noa. Unfortunately we couldn’t get the video up. Well, we haven’t been able to bring it out of the box because Noa has developed some sort of trauma over it.

We thought that since we were in Toys R Us, and Noa was having such a good time, that we would give it another go in a new environment to see if he hadn’t warmed up to Elmo….

希空くんのビデオ (ブルブル)

2 thoughts on “Recently Noa … in Video (aka. Noa vs. Tickle Me Elmo Round #2)”

  1. hahaha it does kind of look like that. in reality, i really think he is deeply traumatized by that first time we made him watch elmo. I think he is going to be one of those things that we can just say “if you are bad we will bring elmo out” to him when hes a bit older…. good job mikey!

  2. Noa looks like he is about to rage on elmo. He gets this “i’m going to Fuc*ing rips his eyes out” look to him.. BRILLIANT!

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