Updates and stuff…

No no no, it’s OK. Don’t worry too much about us. The Earthquake was actually far to the North of us, but I guess you knew that since no one wrote to make sure we were alive!
A picture of Mr. Genki I am genki, thanks for asking.

Anyways, maybe you have noticed (maybe not) but the website is being updated on a regular basis. We are currently making things easier to read and easier to find, and hope to revamp the picture galleries soon. Things are growing and changing here pretty consistently so feel free to take a look around as there are bound to be things yo haven’t seen yet. Also, write in the guestbook. It is thrilling.

I am planning to change the look of the website every once in awhile depending on holidays and themes. I have also designed a new header (below) and received a guest-drawn header (by my very good friend Chris Butcher) which is way cooler than I could ever do. If you have any ideas on how to improve the site, please e-mail me and let me know.

A new header designed by me

A new header designed by Chris Butcher

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