7/29 – My Bad Day

7/29 – My Bad Day

 I wish I could provide photographic evidence (maybe I will), but after a few days of not visiting the vegetable field, I went to find all 8 of my remaining watermelons have been destroyed / eaten. I don’t just mean like a little messed up, I mean like inside out, completely gone. All 8 of them. Small ones and big ones alike. Kiko thought it was birds, but I am convinced it was dogs. emoticon


That wasn’t the worst of it. I have been doing translating on the side and I haven’t been getting much work in the last few weeks after a supervisor change. Anyways, he decides to give me another job without actually getting my confirmation that I will do it. (long story…) well a long story that ends up with him calling me and berating me for not doing it. I point out that I never said I would, and then he accuses me of ignoring the confirmation e-mail he sent … which I didn’t receive.

Alas, I am on my way to Tokyo for the JET Tokyo Orientation. I will be leaving pregnant Kiko alone, I have to do that translation (or I’m in "more" trouble) and I don’t have any watermelons to look forward to.

Woe is me. (is the spelling right?) emoticon 

8 thoughts on “7/29 – My Bad Day”

  1. I don’t know if I can get you one. you know, there are, like, only a bajillion copies at the office.

  2. Yeah, there are a ton of mikes. brian, that is so exciting.. i will pick up a copy of the paper, but just in case, grab me one!!!!!

  3. Another bit of good news, my harry potter review will be in the Daily Yomiuri tomorrow. I managed to write 850 words without spoiling anything or making it nothing more than a plot summary.

  4. Haha~ I didn`t realize there were two Mike`s on the board. The last comment is from Saita-Mike. πŸ˜€ Who`ll be arriving in 3~4 days. (Best of luck at Orientation! See ya there, David.) πŸ˜€

  5. Poker! Nice!! πŸ˜€
    Sounds like we should be starting up a cross-prefectural Texas Hold`em league. πŸ˜€

    Might not be the best idea for my `first`coordinated international relations activity` but… It`s a start. LOL~ Who`s in?

  6. poker…! thats what I should be doing.. πŸ™‚ maybe ill start after i get back from this conference….

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