The Canadian Embassy

I don’t think I have had a chance to tell everyone, but for the month of August I will be working at the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo as an intern. emoticonTake a look at it, the building is super fantastic.

… or it would have been if I wasn’t the biggest dumbass in the world.

So, after securing a place to stay with our good friends Dave & Eri (who read this everyday… right?), I was supposed to begin work this morning. So I get to the embassy at 9am in my suit. I call my supervisor down. She gives me a little lecture about what I should expect during my stay at the embassy and then we start to go upstairs… until I get stopped at the door and asked for my picture id.

 … oh yeah. I guess at a government building ID would be required. I left mine back in Kagawa with Kiko. "What about your foreigner ID card that you have to carry with you at all times??"

".. umm… yeah, well you see, i don’t really have that either."

"so let get this straight. You came to your first day of an embassy job without any form of ID??"

emoticonThat’s pretty much how that conversation went.

So anyways, apparently I have a really nice office in a really competitive job that I should be greatful for getting. I somehow managed to swing the time off work for free, and was gratiously put up by my friends in Tokyo with the super pregnant Kiko.

 I guess I will let you know about the embassy when they let me in.

that is all. 


11 thoughts on “The Canadian Embassy”

  1. I was just bragging about you to someone the other day. I hope they don’t actually look you up now.

    Kiko- Hope you are well!

  2. Uh, you do realize that I am now your sworn enemy and will spend the rest of my life seeking to humiliate you in public ways.

  3. Hey bri, i left you a message on your cellphone (at least i think i did…) sorry though. between my bad embassy day and picking up kiko it slipped my mind. i am a bad person 🙁 now forgive me and lets go for lunch.

  4. It would have been nice to have let me know you were not crashing at my place.

    You know, just a little FYI.

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