Before we left for Tokyo, Kiko has been knitting like crazy for Baby Awesome. She asked me to put them up so everyone can see what she has been up to, but I am an idiot (emphasis added by Kiko) and forgot. So here it is… crazy good eh? (don’t mention to her that Baby Awesome now has more knitted clothes than any baby will ever need though…)
clearly my baby will be cool and start a knitted hat boom. all the babies will want one.
won’t the other babies make fun of him?
i mean, they aren’t, well very, you know…tough….for lack of a more sensitive word…dave will this make kiko mad?
wow where’d you learn to do that?? 😛 I can’t even so much as darn a sock…
=) You should have lots of babies so you can reuse the Knitted stuff!!!! SOoooo adorable! Kiko’s gorgeous =)
the hat and boots are cute!