The Birthday Boy

My birthday is over. 誕生日でした。

Being in Japan this year I wasn’t expecting much in the way of presents or phone calls. (For those of you who did call/write, thank you very much! And for those who couldn’t, no worries! I know how it is. I’m terrible at correspondence, but I still love ya!)

I was surprised by Kiko though! We had planned to go to (the one) restaurant in town (actually I beleive it is in the neighbouring town!) and call it a night. She surprised me with a cake!

So without further ado…

The Birthday Cake that Kiko got me

Me and the cake (The cake and I?)

Back from our vacation…

A nice picture of Tanegashima

After a busy (and relaxing) week-long vacation at Kiko’s home on the island of Tanegashima in southwest Japan, we are back in Kagawa. We know you want to see the pictures. (You will note that many of them focus on Hina (5) and Kana (3) our nieces… because they are cute.)

Other than that, not much to report. We got stuck in Kagoshima on the way to Kiko’s island because of a big rain-storm and then high waves. Apparently this is a normal thing and no one seemed to concerned (!!??). We were also treated to a fairly strong Earthquake on our final night which scared the shit out of me… but again, no one seemed to concerned.

Just to wrap things up, some big news.

(1) Look for some more changes to the website! I have thought up a whole bunch of new things to implement which I hope you like… or I hope you use… or I like… or something. The point is, it should look pretty good! Feel free to let me know if things work, don’t work, look good, look like crap. Just let me know.

(2) Shane is fine.

Kiko promised me she would write something again soon… she does check everyday though, so feel free to comment, send your own pictures, write in the guestbook or whatever…

Happy Halloween – We are going on vacation!

That’s right, we are just high-tech enough to be able to provide themes for our website. So, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I have to thank Chris Butcher whose website (listed in the links section!) inspired me to add changeable themes to the website. Um… thanks!

Bigger News:

From Friday, October 29th until November 4th Kiko and I will be visiting her home, Tanegashima, located in the Southern Part of Japan. We will probably have internet access, but in case we don’t, there won’t be any updates until we get back (and I am sure you will get sick of the Halloween Theme by then!)

When we will get back we should be chocked full of pictures and stuff for the website, so VISIT!

Updates and stuff…

No no no, it’s OK. Don’t worry too much about us. The Earthquake was actually far to the North of us, but I guess you knew that since no one wrote to make sure we were alive!
A picture of Mr. Genki I am genki, thanks for asking.

Anyways, maybe you have noticed (maybe not) but the website is being updated on a regular basis. We are currently making things easier to read and easier to find, and hope to revamp the picture galleries soon. Things are growing and changing here pretty consistently so feel free to take a look around as there are bound to be things yo haven’t seen yet. Also, write in the guestbook. It is thrilling.

I am planning to change the look of the website every once in awhile depending on holidays and themes. I have also designed a new header (below) and received a guest-drawn header (by my very good friend Chris Butcher) which is way cooler than I could ever do. If you have any ideas on how to improve the site, please e-mail me and let me know.

A new header designed by me

A new header designed by Chris Butcher

Ouch! My leg hurts…

This is actually an edited version of a previous entry. I have a bad fever and the office girl is running around quite upset because it is 3:01 and she has forgotten to make tea, so I hope this makes some sense.

On Saturday, despite a sore throat and a fever, I played 3 games with my fellow Kagawa Prefecture Soccer friends in the JET Western Japan Soccer Tournament.

A picture from the ALT Soccer Tournament

The first game was my first in 2 years since I tore my ACL (see below). We won our first game 6-0 (one assist and a terrible miss on a breakaway by me!) and proceeded to lose the rest … by a lot.

Click here to read an article which was printed in the Japanese press (in English).

Ouch! My leg hurts
This picture was taken about 5 minutes after I had just injured my knee (I tore my ACL!). I then proceeded to play the rest of the half and walked an hour and a half back to my house.

I figure after my first marathon, and a number of practices, that I am ready. In honour of this event (which is super exciting for me!) I have put up a soccer picture gallery of me on my various teams and from the tournament this weekend.

What work is like…

So I’ve received a bunch of inquiries as to what my work was like. So, in no particular order, here are some pictures of me in my work gear, with one of my students (who came to my house to get juice and some rice crackers(!!??)), and a clipping about me in the newspaper. Because I’m famous.

David in his work gear A student who paid me a surprise visit at home

A newspaper clipping about me...

and also just because… (this is the futon beater. He beats futons.)

The Futon Beater 1The Futon Beater 2