all things d@vidb
With the help of my more camera-able friends, we are now in possession of a new video camera (Sanyo Xacti HD) and a new lens for the Canon Rebel (100mm).
The Xacti allows us to take video and copy it right to the computer instead of taking forever to encode. Yeah! So expect more pictures.
The lens is Kiko’s domain, but she seems really excited.
Here are some pictures to keep you busy in the meantime…
Happy Children
Pretty Children (takes after her Dad)
Umm… weird?
And halfies.
Hey everyone! The site is growing and people are coming back.
Still trying to get RSS running, and a mobile version for people like me.
In the meantime, you can keep up-to-date with the latest pictures here:
Also, we got a new video camera and just sorting a way to get short video clips up and running.
In the meantime…
The dinosaurs are coming to get you…! (He actually said… “GO!” right after this picture.) World domination… nice
And pictures from our trip to the park…
Noa and I had one of our greatest English conversations together today.
Noa is on the train and pulling at both of his ears.
David: Umm, Noa… why are you pulling at your ears?
Noa: So they get bigger Daddy.
David: They’ll get bigger if you pull them?
Noa: Yes.
David: Why do you wan’t them to get bigger?
Noa: So I can hear better.
Hmm… maybe not much to you, but definitely some logic behind that one.
Went to the Anpanman Museum located in Yokohama.
Suffice it to say Noa was happy, Hana is always happy, and Kiko and I were tired.
My good friend from highschool here in Japan, Toru, joined us with his girlfriend.
Noa had shaved ice…
which also made him happier.
By the way, not sure if you are interested, but in the process of setting up a lifestream. This is software developed by an acquaintance…
Seems like the website is up and running. Still a lot of things to work out, clean up a bit, make it look better and add some features, but good to have some pictures back!
We just bought some really cute shirts which have Noa’s and Hana’s names on them.
「英」はな Hana – Some sort of flower, also used in the character for English
「希空」のあ – Wish, Sky
and just for good measure…
So I don’t know if you know, but I work for AMD.
They make processors and aren’t Intel.
I own the Dell account in Japan.
So I’m super happy when Dell releases a product with AMD CPU and Graphics inside.
The Studio 1536 is super cheap, has a Blu-ray RW drive, full HD panel and is super cheap. $1500.
Go buy one. In Japan.
I also have a new baby
Noa and I went to our first movie.
With a bag of caramel corn, an ice cream, and an orange juice, he somehow managed to sit through the whole thing! 🙂
What did we see?