Went to Fukuoka… want some hilites?
Hana can wave and say goodbye (sort of!)
Noa “Hey, what are you doing over there?!”
The return of “Calm up!”
all things d@vidb
Went to Fukuoka… want some hilites?
Hana can wave and say goodbye (sort of!)
Noa “Hey, what are you doing over there?!”
The return of “Calm up!”
So Kiko and I wake up to find Hana throwing up.Out pops Noa’s band-aid that Noa had on his fake-foot injury the night before.Hana is happy.Important to note that Noa’s band-aid to injury ratio is completely out of whack.Also, apparently his imaginary injuries are allergic to water which causes him to have a screaming fit.We had to have a ziplock bag elasticed around his foot to have a shower… nice.
We are on our way to Canada. Looking forward to seeing good friends and family.Unfortunately the wedding we were supposed to attend was postponed, but it will still be nice to get back there. NOA UPDATE:Now is slowly catching on with the English language. He uses it a lot with me and tries very hard.Currently he looks at Hana and says “daddy, hana’s sit upping!” or “Hana’s stand upping”!Very cute and shows that he has the ING form down…Miss you all and thanks for coming!