Noa’s Christmas … in video!

Some people complain that we don’t have enough about Kiko and I on the site.

Others complain that we don’t have enough Noa.

Most complain that the current password system sucks.

Let’s address these issues. The password system is on the way out. My last day of work for a week is tomorrow…I will fix things! As for more Kiko and I, that is also coming.

Now for those of you who want more Noa, today is the first of a two part series.

Noa’s Christmas

Enjoy the excitement as Noa opens his Christmas presents.

希空くんのビデオ (クリスマス)

希空くんのビデオ (クリスマス #2)

Watch as Noa freaks out when I ask kindly for his precious apples.

希空くんのビデオ (クリスマス #3)

希空くんのビデオ (クリスマス #4)

Pictures tomorrow!

Merry Christmas 2006!



The website has been a little slow to update because I am finally getting to work on the password problem. Expect everything to be all better in the New Year!

Although I will be working tomorrow, we are going to have a little Christmas present opening tomorrow and we will be sure to post pictures. We will be heading to Kiko’s family’s place for New Years.

That being said, it’s Christmas, and its this time of year that makes us remember how much we miss all of you! So to our friends and family, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

We both wish you could be closeby so you could spend some time with us and get to see Noa grow up, so we hope that this website continues to be place where you can keep an eye on what we are up to.

We miss you all, Merry Christmas, and lots of love

David, Kiko, Noa





and this is my brand new Christmas cage where I send Noa when he is bad…


Noa’s day in the park

** ❗ ❗ I recognize that some of you are unable to post in the shoutbox. Make that most of you. I am working on it! We are going to have a whole new website coming in January. It will be much less annoying and the password system will be restructured so it… umm… works. love, david & kiko 😮


Noa went to the park on Saturday. He had a great time (and got a huge bruise on his cheek at the same time.) Here are some photos from his trip.

[re: the bruise. Long story short: He tried to climb the slide by himself. Unfortunately he doesn’t actually know how to climb a ladder. He got up the first stair and was so pleased with himself that he started to clap… and then fell off. nice. :oops:]








Noa closeup #9 & Stuff

Ok! I am working on getting this password system resolved (finally!) and bring out a “real” new version of the site…hopefully in time for Christmas!

In the meantime, let’s see how Noa is doing! The stuff he can do now is incredible. Lots of talking. His dancing skills are powered up. And he really likes Winnie the Pooh (or “Bu”), Anpanman, and Barney. nice.

He also loves his daddy…. look!

Wii love you [chris]

I only do this because I love ya. 😮 (consider it motivation to go get one so we can play multiplayer games… when they come out… not that you haven’t been trying! It’s almost impossible to get one in Japan too if it makes you feel any better…)


Oh god… it’s a wall of Wii goodness. Why do I have 2 Wii’s, 3 controllers and a whole bunch of other stuff (note the two games not available in the US. Wario Dance or whatever its called and Wii Play [comes with the controller])…? It’s a long story.


Not really. It begins like this:



After Noa broke Kiko’s nose, I didn’t go to my soccer tournament in Awaji (with my good friend Jim! Sorry Jim!). My other good friend Brian offered to come with me to get a Wii. I did a lot of research and I figured our best bet was this store above. See how close I am to the front? (I’m poking my head out the top!) #8 in line! Woohoo!

It wasn’t so woohoo after I realized I had misread the kanji and it actually said lottery instead of priority. … so about 5 minutes before the lottery started (and 4 hours after I got there) a whole rush of people came, got a ticket and apparently won their wii’s, because I certainly didn’t. boooooooooo-urns. (to paraphrase mikey)

Was that the end of it? No. I decided to go Yahoo Auctioning … (its like E-bay but for Japan.) Ended up winning like a billion auctions (I went a little bit spastic.) Re-sold some of them, and Brian (who didn’t get a Wii in the lottery either) bought the other one. So in fact, I only have 1 Wii, but after all the auction excitement (=profits), it ended up costing about $50 less then retail. WoohoO!

Here is a Samba de Amigo (best game ever!) Dreamcast Maraccas controller for good measure.



Noa breaks Kiko’s face!

Get it? Breaking news. No joke. Noa decided that he wanted to destroy Kiko’s face and did a flying baby drop on her head. Kiko called me and told me she thought her nose was broken.

Fortunately … it was only fractured. Noa is happy. More updates and pictures to come.