Noa is a star

In all seriousness, I have recently informed Kiko that when we move to Tokyo, Noa will have to pay his own room and board (hopefully Kiko’s too!) through baby modelling gigs. Yes… he is that cute. 😛
So anyways, Kagawa (where we live, remember?) has this magazine called TJ Kagawa. Noa has recently made his publication debut there. It is not very exciting (they just photographed him at his play group [play group??]) and they printed his name as a girl (with the girl suffix -chan) … but it’s a start…

(from Kiko) のあくんが行っている育児サークルに雑誌の取材が来て、6月号のTJ KAGAWAに希空くんの写真が載りました!

Noa in TJ Kagawa Noa in TJ Kagawa

It says: “Bennett Noa-chan [girl’s suffix]. We are having fun at this playgroup.”

neat. (except for the girl part. perhaps Noa has already caught the gay?)

May Picture Roundup & News

So anyways. Apart from our cherry blossom background, people seem quite pleased with the new site design. I still have a few photo albums to get up (ie. a whole new photo gallery) and a few changes here and there, but so far so good.

We will be leaving our home in Chunan/Manno on August 5th. We will head back to Canada for 2 weeks of excitement. I think I mentioned it here, but I was (very!) fortunate to receive the Japanese MEXT Research Scholarship and will be studying at Gakushuin University (学習院) in Tokyo. That begins in October. We will have to find a new place to live, and it looks like Noa will be a city boy for the next year and a half or so.

Anyways, now that the news is out of the way… People have been asking about how big Noa is getting and what he can do.  Kiko has compiled some pictures of Noa’s brillance.

Noa is cute  Toothbrush Noa can stand Noa can pose Noa is very cute
That is all.


Look – it’s Tanegashiman!

You know the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, right!? They are based on a reoccurring series of 5-person -colour coded-group-fighting-team-show (sentai) that has been airing in Japan for the past 30 years. Every year or so the group, the group’s name and abilities change (which Mighty Morphin Power Rangers did by keeping the same group but adding “new vehicles and costumes” etc.) and get’s a new name. It is usually something “-man” or “-ranger.”

Someone thought it was a good idea to promote Tanegashima (Kiko’s island, remember?) and have “Tanegashi-man” a group of super heroes that run around the island. neat.


Speaking of neat…

may-2006-sleeping.jpg 5.0 – Post Styles

So welcome to the test style post for the Sawchuk Scheme, for K2. I think its great as its designed to emphasize the content over the style of the site. Anyway, there is a lot of dummy text here, where possible I have indicated the style used. Feel free to look at the HTML source if confused. Anyway, so then after I earned my first million, I learned how to speak latin! Ulla hendrerit massa sit amet nunc. Donec pede. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc dolor. Duis dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse nulla. Aenean vehicula lacinia lacus. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tincidunt nibh ut libero.

p class=”code” Donec pede. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc dolor. Duis dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse nulla. Aenean vehicula lacinia lacus. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tincidunt nibh ut libero.

Nulla hendrerit massa sit amet nunc. Donec pede. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc dolor. Duis dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse nulla. Aenean vehicula lacinia lacus. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tincidunt nibh ut libero.

class=”blue_hilite” Donec pede. Here is a link!

class=”callout” In porttitor. Suspendisse nonummy felis nec lacus. Quisque sapien nisi, viverra ut, accumsan vitae, tincidunt at, tortor. Etiam nisi libero, porttitor in, ultrices sed, lobortis vitae, lorem.

class=”alert” Danger Will Robinson!

class=”download” The Official Sawchuk Wallpaper

class=”other” Danger Will Robinson!




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    • Pitching Past the 7th Inning
      • Part I
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    • Eighty-Five Years Isn’t All That Long, Really
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Default Blockquote Style
Maecenas eu sapien. Phasellus et augue. Mauris a mauris a elit bibendum porttitor. Sed eu enim. Pellentesque eget ante. Mauris dictum pede a nisl mollis commodo. Ut vel urna et tellus imperdiet varius. In varius sapien quis nunc. Morbi a dolor a sem interdum condimentum. Donec tellus libero, egestas eu, pellentesque a, auctor a, odio. Aliquam condimentum fermentum nunc. In eros dolor, adipiscing et, ultricies id, tempus vitae, diam. Morbi vehicula sagittis massa. Nunc feugiat. Mauris accumsan erat in orci. Sed blandit libero eu purus. Vivamus et risus. Etiam id pede quis justo laoreet euismod.

blockquote class=”green” Vestibulum sem magna, adipiscing eget, elementum sit amet, interdum id, mauris. Fusce aliquet nulla a lacus. Vestibulum blandit nulla quis odio. Nullam sem felis, molestie a, pulvinar ut, mattis vitae, sem. Integer ut justo. Quisque bibendum metus ut diam. Fusce accumsan condimentum erat. Vestibulum ornare nunc sed orci. Maecenas erat felis, tempus ut, molestie ac, sodales a, neque. Duis ac arcu. Donec tellus tortor, elementum in, imperdiet eget, sodales ut, lectus. Aenean scelerisque velit vitae sem. Pellentesque neque.

class=”callout” (with no links) Nunc euismod mi non nisl. Donec consectetuer. Donec nonummy. Duis vitae est vitae odio rutrum pellentesque. Nunc hendrerit pretium pede. Pellentesque fringilla vestibulum erat. Quisque volutpat vestibulum mauris.

Goalie Hero

blockquote class=”red” Praesent pulvinar pellentesque magna. Pellentesque feugiat diam eu eros. Praesent id arcu. Morbi in odio. Nullam eu orci ut tortor vehicula viverra. Phasellus mollis. Morbi pede elit, volutpat iaculis, posuere in, placerat vel, enim. Sed leo pede, feugiat at, ornare vel, pulvinar ac, nunc. Phasellus viverra, metus sit amet scelerisque volutpat, metus erat dignissim velit, eget hendrerit enim turpis eu nunc. In viverra semper massa. Mauris dolor lacus, consectetuer id, tincidunt ac, fermentum id, lectus. Cras elementum vestibulum turpis. Suspendisse non est imperdiet mauris dapibus nonummy. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non mauris. Donec risus. Vivamus id pede. Cras non dolor nec mi congue fringilla.