Birthday’s in November

I am still committed to having big plans for this site… don’t you worry.

In the meantime, Hana is talking up a storm and has shown to be quite tough.

Noa asked me what a hypothesis was, and that in combination with him making the connection between people and chimpanzees/gorillas/monkeys when we were discussing evolution, I am convinced he is brilliant!

Either way, Hana had her 2nd birthday on November 9th (the keen observers may note I also turned 30!) and Noa turned 4 on the 16th.

here are some pictures…

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Hana and my birthday above complete with nicely drawn presents for me…

Noa below… (note the Kiko-made cake. Yeah!)

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And some family goodness for you.


November in the Park

So.. for some reason unbeknownst to Noa and I, our Zoo/Dinosaur museum combo national-holiday day turned into a day at the park.

Noa “loved” the big slide, if ramming him down the slide as he screamed at me that he was going to die.


So far so good…


Getting there… (Noa really really enjoyed his ride on the train by the way. Hana, not so much.) That is Hana’s cute pose by the way.


Oh wait… apparently I didn’t get a good shot of him almost spastically throwing himself off the slide.

Once we started moving he seemed to enjoy himself.


Note Hana’s slide pose. I think she actually believed she was going down the slide.

She wasn’t.



Halloween in Japan

I promised less pictures of kids and more me goodness, didn’t I?

It’s coming. But for now shut up and enjoy the pictures!

Noa and Hana’s Halloween collection.


Noa is cool. Hana (despite how she looks above) is happy. See below how she chills with her friends.



Hana had a great time with her little baby friends. Now was Batman in dress but a power ranger in spirit.

See you soon…

short & sweet : back in Tanegashima for Obon

Apparently I am the only one that thinks this is a cute picture…


In other news:

Noa and I have been going to the ocean daily. He likes to prance around and jog. Today he went pretty far in with me only to be swept to shore by a wave and never again to want to go into the ocean.

Hana managed to stop saying “mama” and for the first time called Noa by his name… “ng-a”

that is all.

Off to Singapore on Sunday and all the family is back together in Tokyo on the 23rd.