davidandkiko.com HAPPY 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!

Yes, davidandkiko.com is now 4 years old. It is older than all of our children put together, and has been through 9 major revisions.

If you look through the archives you can kind of see what we have done since coming to Japan, how we have changed and hopefully keeps everyone as close as we wish they could be.

While there have been ups and downs in the number of posts and comments, we are still getting most of the regular visitors visiting, and have had at least 2 posts per month for 4 years. The average sees about 4 to 5 updates per month.

Kiko, myself, Noa and Hana hope that you keep on visiting and that you keep tabs on us, and be sure to let us know how you are doing as well.

I can be reached at e-mail davidbennett1979@gmail.com, or the usual suspects (flickr, facebook, gmail chat, msn etc….).

Thanks for visiting and will keep this going as long as I can.

At least until Noa and Hana are super pissed off at all the ridiculous pictures and comments I post about them.


David, Kiko, Noa and Hana

Injuries and Halloween

It was bound to happen! Despite being pretty perfect, Hana was injured today. We were at a friends house and she pulled a cup of tea over and it fell on her hands.

Or we were teaching her only to speak when spoken to… or something.

Either way, she is all bandaged up, we are all a little traumatized.

Could have been a lot worse and she doesn’t seem to have been injured (the bandages are a precaution.)

Now still likes to test the theory that she is not in any pain by trying to ride her around like a horse when she is crawling.


This is the costume Noa wears when he is tormenting Hana.


Old is New, Lots of talking and stuff

Just a few quick updates!


1. Some old posts were there but not being displayed. I have fixed that, so please look below for a video of Noa running, and a picture of Hana on the phone.

2. Noa is talking a lot before he goes to sleep. Making a little bit of sense, bust mostly telling me a story using fragments of stories/songs/words that he knows. Really interesting and he is clearly trying to make a cohesive narrative.

3. Noa is a scary dragon

Apparently he's a scary dragon 

heard it here first.

Video from the Field : Noa can run

So I always classify Noa as being more of a lumbrer.

He is definitely not the most nimble Japanese kid on the block.

That didn’t stop him from winning his first race ever.

The kindergarten near our home had a fair and kids were invited to come and run. Most kids ended up running with their parents or crying.

Noa ran ahead. stopped. Ran ahead and ran to get his winners candy.

Apologies for the video. Still working on it…

Noa’s 1st Race

New lens, New Video Camera … new stuff!

With the help of my more camera-able friends, we are now in possession of a new video camera (Sanyo Xacti HD) and a new lens for the Canon Rebel (100mm).


The Xacti allows us to take video and copy it right to the computer instead of taking forever to encode. Yeah! So expect more pictures.

The lens is Kiko’s domain, but she seems really excited.

Here are some pictures to keep you busy in the meantime…


Happy Children


Pretty Children (takes after her Dad)


Umm… weird?


And halfies.



Hey everyone! The site is growing and people are coming back.

Still trying to get RSS running, and a mobile version for people like me.

In the meantime, you can keep up-to-date with the latest pictures here:


Also, we got a new video camera and just sorting a way to get short video clips up and running.

In the meantime…

Noa likes dinosaurs. 

The dinosaurs are coming to get you…! (He actually said… “GO!” right after this picture.) World domination… nice

And pictures from our trip to the park…

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