introducing baby awesome 2.0

Happy Birthday to David and … Hana!

Hana May Bennett was born just a few minutes ago. Pictures to come!

In Japanese, her name will be written like this:  英

You can learn more about the character here.

Amongst other things it means: “petal” “flower” “brave” and is used in the words “England, English”.

The pronunciation “hana” in Japanese means flower.

Details and pictures to follow! Noa is now a big brother!

Baby Awesome version 2.0 : T-14 hours

Welcome back to!

I must apologize for the long delay in updating the website. We are now back, so expect regular updates. A good place to start is our new baby being born tomorrow. As Noa would say, “nice!”.


Let me fill you in on what we have been up to.

  • NOA

Noa is getting bigger, running around a lot, speaking tons in Japanese, doing an excellent job of faking English. He is a happy, well adjusted boy who watched Dora the Explorer, goes to Day care, and spends a lot of time with his Mom and jumping.

He keeps us busy.

  • JOB

I am still working, going to school, teaching and taking care of Noa. Suffice it to say, there is a lot on my plate. That being said, I am enjoying each and everyone of those jobs… (just maybe not all at the same time.)

I suspect that my life is skewed more towards work, and less towards school, but with a family of 3 4, that is to be expected. I love school, I love my job… so its a toss up.


And by friends keeping me busy, I mean me not contacting my friends enough. If you are here, you are loved and you are important to us. We wish we could see you more often, talk on the phone more often, and generally be around you more often.

In the meantime, please settle for:

  1. A phone call – 416-238-7228
  2. A skype – davidbennett1979
  3. An MSN –
  4. A GTalk –
  5. An SMS – +818032532219
  6. Facebook

It’s my birthday. Yeah! It’s the new baby’s birthday. Yeah! It’s Noa’s birthday on the 16th. Yeah! It’s Kiko’s birthday on December 18th. Yeah!


And in a few hours expect to see pictures.

We wish you were all here and you are all in our thoughts.

Love, david & kiko & noa & baby awesome v2.0


I may or may not use the term “Nice!” emphatically when something good happens.

Noa seems to have picked this up. Everytime something good happens he will scream “nice.”

Yesterday I was telling him that he would be having a baby sister soon… “nice”

After that I said, ok, time for a bath…. “nice”

Then he told me I was a “very good boy.”


and yes this is filler. may or may not be a test. depends if you can see it!

t-1 day for new baby!

I wish I was joking…

Noa’s favourite TV show, by far, is Dora the Explorer.

He loves it. He sings all the songs, he repeats phrases “swiper no swiping!” and he now loves to go outside so he can go to the mountains, rivers and bridges.

Before bed, we now have to read him stuff from Dora’s book. On the back flap there are pictures of other Nick. Jr characters. Noa points them all out and says “cat” (for the act) “dora” (for dora) “diego” (for dora’s cousin). And then he gets to this character:

Little Bill
Noa loves this character, Little Bill, and gets very excited whenever we see his character goods. Big problem, everytime he sees him he points and says


!!! 🙁

I tell him, no, Noa, this is a little boy.

“Monkey boy!”….

…. we have some work to do.

Noa’s Day Today: Locked out!

How was my day today?

Kiko wrote me an e-mail which basically said “Noa locked me out of the house while I was putting up Halloween decorations, played knock-knock with me, and then let me in.”

This morning I woke up to Noa saying: “I hate you Daddy… maybe” “Or maybe I don’t… maybe.” “Nope, I hate you!” and went to sleep with “Daddy, I farted. But, Daddy I farted.” To which Kiko responded “Did anything come out?”. And Noa replied, “No, but I farted.”

My son is a genius. I am just not sure whether to be happy or sad.