Middle of March: What have we been doing!?

So, how was our week?

It wasn’t too exciting. It is almost Sakura (Cherry Blossom) season, so we have been taking it easy.

We thought we would take this opportunity to show you what we have been up to recently.

First things first, people wanted more of the half-baby parade.

Half baby Parade
Noa was also transported to Toys R Us where his Grandmother (over here) bought him a wheel rider. He loved it in the store, but has since decided that he only wants to push it around.

Noas new bike
Noa has also decided that he can get angry for reasons ranging from nothing to not getting him his milk quick enough.

Noa is angry
For those of you who doubt Noa can speak English. Here he is talking about his favourite thing.

希空くんのビデオ (英語)

I have decided that Noa likes rabbits. See here.

希空くんのビデオ (ウサギ)

I think Kiko may have finally overtaken me in the photo department.

Noa and flowers

Recently Noa … in Video (aka. Noa vs. Tickle Me Elmo Round #2)

… with a special appearance by me.

…. directed by Kiko.

So! Noa loves elephants. In Japan apaprently elephants go “Paaaaaauuu” so that’s what Noa screams whenever he sees an elephant. Our good friend, Nakanishi-san, bought Noa a nice big elephant stuff toy. Watch as Noa opens it up!

希空くんのビデオ (象さん)

The next weekend we took a trip to Toys R Us. There, Noa shows his gift for singing (clearly better than Jim) while playing the piano. Heres a picture:


And here’s the video…

希空くんのビデオ (ピアノ #2)

and finally

NOA VS. Tickle Me Elmo X : Round 2

So, our very dear friends Mike and Lara bought Noa a ticklet me Elmo before Christmas last year. (Thank you!!!) You should have seen the shuddering and terror it brought to Noa. Unfortunately we couldn’t get the video up. Well, we haven’t been able to bring it out of the box because Noa has developed some sort of trauma over it.

We thought that since we were in Toys R Us, and Noa was having such a good time, that we would give it another go in a new environment to see if he hadn’t warmed up to Elmo….

希空くんのビデオ (ブルブル)

Concert Footage!?

Ok…. so maybe we weren’t allowed to take photos of Noa at the concert because cameras are not allowed at Japanese concerts.

And maybe we had to settle for a crappy cellphone picture taken outside with Noa holding a $7 balloon.

And perhaps you will have to settle for a picture of Noa riding some small 3 wheel thing he stole from another child.

but at least we have a picture of Noa in a bucket.


Tomorrow: The Greatest Day in Noa’s Life… ever. Seriously.

I’m actually not joking.

Tomorrow Kiko and Noa will be attending “Okasan to issho” (Together with Mom), the live concert version. For those of you not up to date with Japanese children’s tv, this program is like Sesame Street in Japan. It has Noa’s favourite music, favourite people (other than me), favourite crazy animals.

Okasan to Issho
Occasionaly they have national concert tours which also appear on TV. Maybe Noa will be on Japanese TV?? (selling whisky or something.) All I know is that Noa (actually mostly Kiko) is REALLY excited about going and is going to have a great time. How much does he love that show?

Now look a picture of how intently Noa watches the program.

Noa is watching TV
He’s so cool.


Like my dashes? Things here are pretty good! Work is going great. School is rewarding. Noa is cool. Kiko is going to a concert. Excitement.

It seems that while we have less comments, we are still getting a good amount of visitors… so thank you! This is our way of letting you know what we are up to, and it is always nice to hear from everyone. We will get more pictures of Kiko and I up soon, and we will have pictures from Noa’s concert tomorrow.

Great mood!

I’m in a great mood.

  1. My computer died
  2. The website photo albums are not working
  3. Can’t get photos off of my camera for the same reason

So why am I in such a great mood??

  • Great news from a very good friend (no kiko is not pregnant)
  • New computer! (Runs OSX and Vista … at the same time!!! … on 2 monitors!!)
  • Kiko and Noa are cool
  • Skype is back up! Call me!

Once I get the website back up to 100% (and once all our pictures are back on the new computer… expect more updates!!)

Look at the goodness!