Happy Valentines Day from Noa … in the form of video excitement

Happy Valentines Day from david and kiko and Noa.

Did you know that in Japan, women have to give chocolate to the male members in their family, male friends, boyfriends, co-workers and colleagues. Men don’t have to give anything… until White Day (March 14th of course) when these gifts of chocolate are returned in the form of candy or sweets.

Weird. Did you know that? Now you do.

For Valentine’s Day, Noa has asked us to upload some new videos. Apparently he is upset by some of the things he reads here where people accuse him of not being able to dance or play the piano. He is very sensitive. (I told him the other day that his jumping wasn’t very good and he started to cry. true story.)

So, direct from Noa, here is some video excitement.

Noa Plays the Piano

For those of you who don’t believe that Noa can play the Piano… in a cafe.

希空くんのビデオ (ピアノ #1)

希空くんのビデオ (ピアノ #2)

Watch as Noa creates a new dance especially for Jim’s band lame…

希空くんのビデオ (ダンス)

希空くんのビデオ (クリスマス #4)Pictures tomorrow!

Lindsay and Takeshi’s Wedding… in Kagawa!

We are back from an exhausting (but fun!) trip to Kagawa where we got to see a number of good friends and colleagues. We miss Kagawa and everyone there very much! Thank you so much for making the time to hang out with us everyone!! (except those of you who dragged me into the freezing cold ocean in the middle of winter. you know who you are. actually… that was a lot of fun but sucky in the I thought I was going to die kind of way.)

A big part of our trip to Kagawa was to go see our friends Lindsay and Takeshi get married! Congratulations!!!

It was there that Noa was reunited with Jim, and performed live on stage with Jim’s band LAME (which despite all that I was expecting… which was nothing… turned out to be pretty good!) [I will get a hair cut, calm down.]

and here’s something to think about…

Noa’s (second?) Haircut … and stuff

So Rumi-chan in Tanegashima gave Noa a nice haircut (this was about 2 weeks ago). Look how cool he looks:


and the process


see how happy he is?


and the before shots: (this was us in Kiko’s house!)



you can almost see dagger, dagger 2 (aka twin dagger), tooth, misty, and the newly emerging “sean”.
off to sleep for me…

Noa has been cut off!

That’s right…

Noa has now officially been weened off of the ever exciting breast milk and is now finally getting to sleep by himself.

It was a rough beginning. After two days of hour long crying sessions the third night went something like this:

  1. We lay Noa down (5 seconds)
  2. He got up
  3. Walks around (10 seconds)
  4. Sits down and cries (long time)
  5. Cries (long time)
  6. Gets up
  7. Repeat

and then out of nowhere he gets up and drapes himself over Kiko … and goes to sleep. In a second. LITERALLY 1 SECOND. I thought he was just playing … but no. asleep.



We were operating under the assumption that he tired himself out so much crying that he just crashed.
