A little video loving…

I think we are almost over the initial hiccups of the new password system. Ug. 😉 I actually have no idea why so many crazies want to crash davidandkiko.com, so you will have to forgive us. If you are reading this then everything is a.o.k. C.o.o.l.

A bit of exciting news… we will be opening up a video section in the next few weeks. There will be a ton of videos of Noa and us all nicely layed out. It should be pretty exciting and we are looking forward to having more stuff for you guys to see, and new ways for you to make fun of Noa.

In the meantime, here is a video of the genius boy himself. Kiko taught him how to say “uh oh” and you can see him doing a little bit of feeding himself action.

希空くんのビデオ (食べている)

More Noa’s 1st Birthday Action

So … we had a little party for Noa here in Tokyo! It was held a few days after Noa’s actual birthday, and some of our friends (both with babies and without!) came to visit. We also opened some of Noa’s presents from you all (Thank you!!) and we will now post some pictures where Noa decided he felt like looking at the camera.

happy birthday noa!


some of the guests (brian, send a pic where Noa is looking!)

the presents (only a few of many, THANK YOU EVERYONE!!)




I wish we could have put up pictures of all the nice stuff Noa got, but unfortunately (fortunately?) he gets very excited over his new presents and it makes for some retarded pictures.

That is all.

What the hell!?

So I was watching the show with zefrank, which I do everyday because it is one of the funniest video podcasts on the Internet, when something weird happened.

During today’s segment, they spoke about some senator from the US named Strom Thurmond. To be perfectly honest, I don’t know anything about the US or about senators. Apparently he lived to be 100 and died in 2003. At any rate, as zefrank was discussing him, he put up a picture from 40 or 50 years ago. Here it is.


…. 💡

Did you see that!?!?

Ok, one more time.

crazy shit.

a friggin gypsy. i knew it. stupid time travellnig gypsies.

Noa’s First 1st Birthday

Clever and smart I am… Noa has big shoes to fill.

Congratulations NOA!!! And a big thank you to all of you have that e-mailed, called, left messages, or wrote on here. Thank you! 😮

That’s right… he can walk, he can dance, he can touch his eye(s), he can say “dada”, he has 4 teeth (dagger, dagger #2, misty, tooth) and now he is 1 year old!!!

I took off an hour of work and came home quickly where Kiko, Noa, and I had some cake and opened a few presents. He didn’t understand the concept of cake (I think he thought it was bread!) but after awhile he got it, and since it was his first time eating something sweet… ever!, he was pretty excited.

We should have more videos and stuff coming over the next few days. In the meantime…


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Noa’s Friends #2

Let’s suppose that work is super interesting, but very very busy. Now let’s suppose that I want to update the website with more exicitng Noa videos, but I just don’t have time…

Now what would I put in it’s place??? That’s right! Here is a collection of pictures featuring Noa and his friends and family. These were taken during our time back in Canada, and since we arrived in Tokyo! Enjoy…

ps. Many of you have been asking for pictures of our new house… more to come!

(and finally, as always, a big THANK YOU to all of you for your very kind wishes on my birthday.)

Love, David & Kiko & Noa






Real Breaking News – Let’s Walking!

That’s right… Not only is Noa the cutest baby in the land, but apparently he is the cutest most walkingest baby in the world.


I start my first real job tomorrow, wish me luck. I guess this was Noa’s present to me. Watch Noa walking, and walking and dancing. He likes the dancing… a lot. He is also a very skilled dancer.

You want proof? OK. I have just been told that my Noa is walking video has been superceded by a video Kiko took a few days ago. Umm… thanks for the update on my baby walking by the way. The second video (shot by me!) features some dancing… I have decided not to tell Kiko that Noa can dance.

希空くんのビデオ (歩いてる #1)

希空くんのビデオ (歩いてる #2)