I wish I had my camera!

I have been extremely fourtunate to be part of the University of Toronto’s delegation to Japan this year. Apart from having a fabulous opportunity to meet some very nice people in the U of T’s administration, I have also been fortunate enough to meet with some of Japan’s top academics at some of the best universities in Japan.

Other memorable events have included an alumni event at the Canadian Embassy which saw alumns like Agnes Chan and Tak there. Nice.

It has also given me the opportunity to live like some of my consultant friends do, and experience the nomad lifestyle in some wonderful hotels throughout Japan (Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo to be exact!)

What’s next? How about the website being back up, and pictures of Noa! (He can now take about 8 steps… yeah!)
Look! It’s Agnes Chan (neat…) but wait… she’s upside down! (weird)

Canada Round-up

See below for what happens when you don’t visit davidandkiko.com


Why do you make the baby Noa cry? Does Baby Awesome (click that for some awesomeness) deserve this?

(No… I’m just joking. he’s crying because I beat him for being too cute.)

Although we still haven’t found a place to settle in yet here in Tokyo, that doesn’t mean we have a whole lot of excitement to share from our trip back to Canada. (ie. I still haven’t been able to get our photos off the camera yet. So these are a bit older…)

How about some Niagara Falls action? (one picture by me, one by Kiko)


How about some good friends?


How about family?


What about shocking good looks?

Dave Portrait 15072006_2027

See? I am clever and funny. πŸ˜‰

Ok heres what you really wanted…


The Blair Witch Project

Breaking news. Crazed german attacks innocent bear with paddle.
Crazed german attacks innocent bear with paddle

Hmm… Perhaps I am mistaken… maybe he is simply trying to flag down a bear with those paddles so he can befriend it…

oh wait… see this. (view the crazed paddle man movie and decide for yourself!)
Apparently he does want to destroy bears… with his paddles. (!?)

hold me. I’m frightened.

(by the way, this is Noa’s new favourite video.)

Noa is just like E.T.

I may or may not have forgot to upload pictures from my camera while I had the chance.

So this may or may not be filler.

We may or may not be heading back to J-pan in a few days πŸ™





cute he is!

and as promised… (I spent a good 2 hours training him)

he loves it! (he can almost say “E.T. too!)

ok… so it’s more of a “Deh bweh (insert dribble noise here)”

My good friend Hide (Hideki Matsui of the Yankees)

松井 η§€ε–œ! In Toronto! Hanging out with me!

So… I was with Tracy and Thomas sitting in Pho Hung eating some pho (Ok, I lied. I was eating the vermecelli) when my good friend Hide walked in.

You might not know who Hide is (only his close friends (like me) call him that), but his full name is Hideki Matsui (aka Godzilla). He is (by far!) the most famous Japanese baseball player and his more popular in Japan than even Ichiro.

We had a conversation:

Matsui: Hey Dave!

Me: Hey Hide. What’s up?

Matsui: Not much. You are cool. And your kid is cute. And your wife is hot.

Me: Yeah… I know.

And then he whipped out his camera and took a picture of us hanging out.


Hmm… funny…. that picture looks like someone snapped a photo from underneath the table while trying not to pee himself.

Ok… so me and Hide aren’t that close. But that doesn’t change the fact that we hungout (by proximity), at Pho Hung, I did almost pee myself, and we are best friends friends acquaintances strangers stalker/stalkee.

I did work up the courage to ask for an autograph though. We had a polite little conversation (in Japanese b/c I am cool), but it was clear that he was trying to not be recognized.

Look at the swell autograph.

Hideki Matsui - New York Yankees #55.jpg

Thanks to my big sister Tracy for saving my life by having her cellphone w/camera handy. I had forgot my camera and was prepared to be very sad.

The boys in Brampton

weird… I was waiting for this post to go up a few days ago and decided to check it out. Apparently I didn’t actually post it.


It turns out I am not perfect. Just pretty damn close. (my stomach hurts and its making me delirious.)

I have some exciting news about me and my good friend Hideki, but watch for that in an upcoming post.

For today, I would like to share some photos of my good friends that made the long trip all the way out to the B-dot to visit. Dan, Graham, Marc, Matt, it was great to see you guys. Noa had a blast and it was great just to hang out. Like I said, Dan & Graham (not to mention Franky!) it’s about time you make the trip to Japan.





Thanks again boys.

Love David, Kiko & Noa.
