He has a small container

So anyways, I had sent a new years card to my good friend Jotaro (the ones that I sent to all you guys too… most are gone… -poof-). Because so many people weren’t getting them, I was a little bit worried. I hadn’t heard from him in awhile and he was ignoring my e-mails.

I sent him a heartfelt e-mail telling him about what I have been up to and asking him to go on Skype so we could chat. Instead of sending me a reply to my comments and questions, he sent a blank mail with the following:


Although I would have prefered a mail letting me know what he was up to, I was happy that he had got our postcard and put it up on the fridge. I hadn’t even asked him whether he got it or not, so it was nice of him to show me that he had received it. (Could’ve written something though! 今度何か書けよ!).

Because I was still hoping for some words… or something, I wrote him back jokingly telling him that he didn’t have to pretend like he really put it on the fridge and he could put it back in whatever pile he usually kept it in.

He then sent me this: (again, no words!)


emoticon ホヒホヒホヒ


A good week?


 Last week was a roller coaster. Lots of ups, and many more downs. Between my computer breaking, our Ipod Nano breaking, messing up a lot of translations, getting called on the messing up… the list goes on. Suffice it to say I was not pleased and I was kind of down.

On the other hand, I also had some very good things happen. Our MythTV box is back up and running (after a lot of work), I am still loving my job here in Chunan, and <drumroll>

I got the scholarship I applied for last year!!! emoticon  Although I will be very sad to be leaving Chunan, from October of this year I will be attending Gakushuin University (known for the emperor’s family and politicians kids going there) through a very big government scholarship!! I am still in shock, but there are so many people I have to thank…. Kiko, Komuro-sensei, Arntzen-sensei, Ito-sensei, Jotaro, Ishikawa-sensei, Tracy, Shane, everyone else that helped me out with the application… THANK YOU!!

 Like I said, it is going to be tough to leave Chunan, we really do love it here. But I am confident that this experience will help me move close to one day getting a job as a professor back in North America, so wish us luck!

Now since there were no pictures in our last post, Kiko has asked me to upload these family pictures we took in Tanegashima. I believe we promised to have them up earlier.. sorry! These are pictures from Noa’s omiyamairi, the blessing that Japanese children get after 30 days. We took family pictures after the ceremony. 

miyamairi-noa.jpg  miyamairi-family.jpg miyamairi-family2.jpg

We have also had quite a few visitors for Noa. Below are pictures with Liz (Jim’s girlfriend. In case you forgot, Jim is my good friend who bashed Noa’s head into the ceiling light.)  Following that are many of my good friends here in Kagawa prefecture on the JET program, and finally Yoshiko Hirao. One of my most loyal and favourite students attending my town English classes. Enjoy!

jan2006-jims-liz-and-noa.jpg  jan2006noaandfriends.jpg jan2006-noa-hirao-san.jpg


Noa’s Ninja Training

People keep asking about how Noa is doing.

I figured I would give you a little update.

In the last month alone Noa has had the following happen to him:

  1. His head bashed into a wall by Kiko.
  2. His face submerged into the bath by David. (he was not amused.)
  3. His head rammed into a light fixture by our freakishly tall friend Jim.

He’s a strong boy. emoticon

On being a new father…

I have finally gotten around to writing this entry … (again.) To be honest (well mostly honest) I had quite a large entry written up, but for some unknown reason it died. Ug.

Oh well… let’s try some recall here. I am writing this after getting back from a 2 day trip to Tokyo. Although it was only a 1 night stay, Thursday to Friday, it gave me a chance to reflect on a few important things.

  1. What it is like to be a father
  2. Mario Kart DS

I will begin with the first part. This is only a small point but I guess one of the biggest changes I have noticed is how much one looks forward to going home. Not that I didn’t before (Hi Kiko!), but it is quite amazing to go home after work and have Noa there and how he is clearly excited to see me. Especially now that he is smiling and attempting to fly, it really is quite a feeling. Corny? Maybe. But true.

So, suffice it to say I missed both Kiko and Noa a lot while away in Tokyo. How could you not miss this?

jan2006-noa-iscute-1.jpg jan2006-noa-iscute-2.jpg jan2006-noa-iscute-3.jpg

While we are still on the topic of choice around here (Noa!) have a look at some pictures from our new camera. I was a little skeptical about the quality of picture vs. the price of the camera, but since we got a really good deal on the Canon Kiss N (Rebel GT or something) we figured we would get it. I still am shooting on automatic (until I figure out the manual features) but the pictures are looking great! Have a look.


Another thing before I forget: Noa’s name.

In Japan after a baby is born the father is expected to write the baby’s full name on a piece of paper to signify that a name has been chosen (I made that explanation up.) Anyways, here is my attempt at Noa’s name. Not the greatest, but I went through 5 or 6 sheets of paper before coming up with this one. (A big thank you to Komuro-sensei and Arntzen-sensei.) I would be way better at writing Japanese if I were able to absorb all of their advice.


This is getting so long… exciting eh? Now on to some more exciting topics. Mario Kart DS


The new Mario Kart game for the Nintendo DS is amazing. Since it takes advzantage of the DS’s wireless abilities, you can play with up to 16 people at once (who have a DS around you.) Only one person needs a copy of the game. Even better is that if you have a wireless internet hookup, the DS will hook up the wireless internet and you can play with up to three other people from around Japan, or around the world! The game is amazing, makes use of the two screens very well, and the multiplayer is smooth. I don’t know if it is released in Canada yet, but when it does get online and let’s play.

My friend code is: (oops I don’t know it! e-mail me!!) Unfortunately I suck. Ok, that’s all for now.

I AM GETTING davidandkiko.com 2006 back on track as we speak. emoticonMy other computer is still in parts but I found a partially saved backup of the work I had done before the crash. Wish me luck.

Miss you guys all. As does Kiko… Noa is doing well and we are looking forward to going back to Canada soon.
love, David, Kiko, & Noa. emoticon
ps. and just for good measure, here is a present for (from?) Tracy & Thomas: (THANK YOU!!emoticon


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dog suit and totoro bread

The title says it all.

Noa’s dog suit pyjamas and totoro bread. 


… and you complain about no updates emoticon



jan2006noas-dog-suit-1.jpg  jan2006noas-dog-suit-2.jpg totorobread.jpg

Here is a picture of Noa looking at his favourite thing in the entire world.  I mean that… he clearly loves it more than he loves us. His new mobile.


Kiko and I are having a heated discussion about who took that picture. I think it is too good for her to have taken. emoticon  Clearly my work…


Kiko’s belated birthday present


Once again I am astounded by some of our astute readers. Apparently I made a promise to show you all my present to Kiko because I claimed it was really sweet. It was really sweet! Kiko got it when we arrived back in Kagawa after visiting her family in Tanegashima.

What is it you ask? It is a Noa book. My Mac has a photo program called IPhoto which is like Picasa (FANTASTIC PROGRAM!! get it!) and that allows you to organize photos. It also lets you compile them into a book. You can choose pages, layout, length, design… it’s actually quite flexible. The finished product is a bound book. It was very reasonable and looks great. So in answer to your question and my earlier boasts, I got kiko a book called "noa" which are pictures from Noa’s first few weeks here in Japan. 

Have a look…

noabook-1.jpg  noabook-2.jpg noabook-3.jpg

People have also been wondering about Noa’s hair… emoticon 

It’s dark but has some incredible highlights in the sun… have a look!


ps. My computer is still broken emoticon  Once its fixed I will get back to work on davidandkiko.com 4.0 (davidandkiko.com 2006) … another update will be put up in two days! See you then!!

The sadness that is my computer…

Oh god… it hurts! My super-cool Linux/MythTV/webserver computer blew up. Really really badly. I am actually pretty depressed. Why you ask? Well not only was it months of work (not to mention most of the changes for the new website && some non-backed up Noa video) but also because I was 10 seconds away from ensuring that everything was backed up. I am not exaggerating. I had just spent $100 on some backup stuff and was about to install it when POOF.



Other than that, things are pretty good. I have been lax on the updates because I was hoping to roll out the new website. That won’t be happening for awhile longer… I was also focusing more on davidandkiko updates as opposed to just Noa, but since all those pictures are gone too, you are going to have to suffice with the January update of Noa (with the pictures that were still in my cameras memory.)

 For this weeks update. 1st there is a picture of me and Noa… just because.



Next… apparently some people were concerned about Noa’s hair standing up. It stands up all the time. It looks just like Hanawa (japanese musician).  See what happens when (Kiko) makes his hair stay down…. he becomes sad  emoticon



Even more people didn’t believe that Noa can actually smile or laugh (ahem!!) apparently I am mistaking this for gas. So this ones for you.


And finally …. THANK YOU SCOTT AND STACEY!! We actually had pictures of all the stuff you guys have sent us but its gone now (read earlier in this post… emoticon) This one was still on my camera so give us a little bit more time to re-take them. For now have a look at his cool Roots-gear (not to mention a really cool jumper that we will show you soon… you’ll like it… trust me!)


That’s all I got. I am actually quite sad about my computer. because i am a loser. I am going to get back to fixing it… sigh. 

Who is An-pan Man?

So some of our more astute readers have noticed that Noa has a bib (and a few other things!) with An-pan man on it. Who is An-pan man you ask? (and for those of you who didn’t click on the link I so nicely provided on his name!), I’m here to tell you.

An-pan man (fermented-bean bread man) is one of Japan’s most beloved cartoon characters along with Doraemon and Sazae-san. He has a bunch of friends including Toast-man, Melon-bread and some other equally as retarded cute friends.

He of course feeds his friends with his head (I thought he let them bite a chunk right out of his head, but apparently it is more complex. Kiko quickly informed me that he actually picks bits of his head off and gives them to his friends to eat. Oh. My bad.

You must also remember that his weaknesses are water and anything that makes his head dirty.


You crazy feremented-bean bread man.

Don’t say I never taught you anything. davidandkiko.com is an educational experience.
Now watch Kiko’s brother destroying me at shogi, the best game on earth.


A happy baby

Apparently people don’t believe that Noa is a happy baby. Something about a video of him crying and pictures of him giving death looks to people.

He is a happy baby. I have proof:

noa-2months-smiling.jpg noa-2months-smiling-2.jpg

I don’t think babies get much happier than that.

We have also been meaning to take pictures of Noa with all the cool stuff you guys have sent him (THANK YOU!!) unfortunately we are lazy and busy cleaning up after him. Here are a few ones from quite awhile ago (Tracy, yours is coming up next!!). We can’t thank everyone enough for sending all this cool stuff. It means a lot to us. 


And of course Noa wouldn’t be Noa without all of his knitted gear (that Kiko made for him.) He makes knitted wool look cool.


That’s all I got. But visit soon… I have a super cool video of my IPOD Nano playing videos (despite not being a Video IPOD) and great stories about my computer. emoticon I am so cool.  are you on skype yet? go now!